International Mediterranean Survey Workshop, Göttingen 30.10. - 1.11.2015

Beinahe dreißigmal haben sich Survey-Archäologen bereits zu diesem traditionsreichen Workshop getroffen, zuletzt in Wien, Groningen und Ankara. Ende Oktober kommen über 30 teils junge Wissenschaftler aus 10 Ländern, Großbritannien, Niederlande, Belgien, Spanien, Italien, Österreich, Dänemark, Kroatien, Türkei und Deutschland nach Göttingen um Survey-Projekte aus Kleinasien, Griechenland, Krim, Kroatien, Österreich, Italien und Sizilien, ihre Ergebnisse und Methoden zu diskutieren. Eine Exkursion führt die Teilnehmer zu den nahegelegenen Fundplätzen in Hedemünden und am Harzhorn.



Program IMS Workshop Göttingen 30.10.-1.11.2015


Friday 30.10.2015 Archäologisches Institut, Nikolausbergerweg 15, groundfloor


Methodology and tools

16.00 John Bintliff (Edinburgh - Leiden), Sherds washed up by the Waves of Time
16.25 Victorino Mayoral (University Merida Spain): Time matters: a comparative study of the ratio between duration and covered extension in Mediterranean survey projects
16.50 Stefan Groh - Klaus Freitag (Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut, Wien): GIS, remote sensing and geophysical survey: New approaches to the research of canabae legionis. The case study of Lauriacum (Enns, Austria)
17.15 Coffee
17.30 Stefano Campana (Pisa-Cambridge), EmptyScapes: Filling empty Landscapes, Mapping the Archaeological continuum
17.55 Frank Vermeulen, Possum Pincé & Lara Weekers (Gent University): Geomorphology meets archaeology: new approaches for studying Roman towns and their suburbs
18.25 Matthias Lang (Tübingen): Data management and spatial analysis in survey archaeology: do we need a common approach?
19.00 Visit to the current exhibition "Entdeckung des Raumes: Die griechische Malerei und ihre illusionistischen Techniken"

Reception in the Cast Collection, Parthenon hall



Saturday 31.10.2015



9.30 Dries Daems and Jeroen Poblome (Leuven): Origin of polis 2.0: A case from SW Anatolia. What can survey data from Sagalassos and environs tell us?
9.55 Sam Cleymans and Jeroen Poblome (Leuven) Where's Wally? Counting people in the city and the territory of second century Sagalassos (Pisidia, Anatolia)
10.20 Eric Laufer - (Felix Pirson) (Istanbul), The Kane Regional Harbour Survey at the Pergamene coast
10.45 Burcu Erciyas - Mustafa Tatbul (Middle Eastern Technical University, Ankara, Türkei): New results at Komana, surveys and remote sensing in 2015
11.10 Coffee


Black Sea and Mediterranean


Vladimir Stolba - Jens Andresen (Aarhus), Surveying Crimea: methodological aspects, data evaluation and some results from the distant chora of Chersonesos

11.55 Anna Meens (PhD Candidate at the University of Amsterdam), Exploring a Boeotian countryside through surface ceramics
12.20 Robert Matijasic, Katarina Gerometta (Pula), Preliminary notes on a survey in Vrsar, Istria, Croatia
13.00 Lunch



14.00 Gjis Tol, Tymon de Haas, Evelien Witmer (Groningen University): This time you've gone too far: evaluating methodological developments within the Pontine Region Project
14.25 Peter Attema (Groningen University) - Paolo Carafa (La Sapienza Roma Italy): The potential of linking survey datasets for the study of archaeological landscapes in the suburbium of Rome south of the Tiber
14.50 Chiara Blasetti Fantauzzi (Göttingen): Survey on Lake Fucino (Abruzzo) and the Romanization of the Marsi

Martijn van Leusen, Evelien Witmer, Jildou Bruinsma (Groningen), Experimental determination of basic survey parameters: results of the 2014 GIA fieldwalking experiment in Calabria

15.40 Coffee



16.00 Oscar Belvedere - Annapaola Mosca (Palermo), Settlement patterns from Antiquity to the Middle Ages in the territory between Marsala and Mazara del Vall
16.25 Giovanni di Stefano (Kamarina), Le "non-città" del territorio di Camarina in età romana: fonti archeologici
16.50 Johannes Bergemann (Göttingen), The campi Geloi: An area of Sicily without an urban center in imperial times and late antiquity
17.15 Aurelio Burgio (Palermo), The Cignana Project. The archaeological landscapes from Prehistory to Late Antiquity: settlements and preliminar hypothesis about supply areas
17.40 Rebecca Klug (Göttingen): The Hinterland of Agrigento in Roman times
18.05 Caterina Greco (Agrigento), Viability in the Hinterland of Akragas (Sizilien) TBC
18.30 Antonio Facella (University Pisa Italy) Comparing non-systematic and systematic surveys: Imperial and Late Antique settlement trends in the territory of Contessa Entellina (Sicily)
19.30 Dinner at the Szültenbürger Restaurant, Prinzenstraße (20 Euro per person)



Sunday 01.11.2015


9.00 Excursion: Roman camp at Hedemünden (tour Dr. Klaus Grote), 3rd century AD battlefield at Harzhorn (Kalefeld) (tour Dr. Michael Geschwinde tbc) leaving from Leinehotel, (end 12.30)