
The Growth and Economic Opportunities for Women (GrOW) research program focuses on understanding heterogeneity in the impact of growth and structural change on women's employment opportunities. 

The program will deliver new insights on the linkage between economic growth and structural change and women's economic empowerment. In particular, it will provide answers to the question why the link has been so heterogeneous across different countries, settings, and aspects of empowerment. 

The GrOW initiative funds 14 research projects aimed to empower women to participate in economic activities, providing evidence that can inform social and economic policies to improve poor women's lives, while promoting economic growth.

Research Project - G2E (Growth to Empowerment) is a project of the GrOW initiative: Pathways for shared prosperity: Understanding the links between women's economic empowerment and growth.

We gratefully acknowledge funding from the Growth and Economic Opportunities for Women (GrOW) initiative, a multi-funder partnership between the UK's Department for International Development, the Hewlett Foundation and the International Development Research Centre.

GrOW Funders