Previous Workshops

Our final RTG workshop was on July 5, 2024, featuring talks by both past and present RTG members in the Alfred-Hessel-Saal at Paulinerkirche, followed by a celebratory dinner at the NAM.

PhD Spring Retreat 2024
Our PhD students had their self-organized spring retreat from March 20-22, 2024. The event took place in Burg Bodenstein near Leinefelde-Worbis in Thuringia.
The previous year they scheduled a half-day workshop by KEPOS which was well received by all participants. So they had another one during the 2024 retreat, this time designed by Sabine Mariß titled Self-Presentation in the Context of Gender Awareness and Inclusive Language.

8th RTG Workshop 2023
The 8th annual RTG workshop took place from October 4 - 6, 2023 at Mariaspring in Bovenden.

PhD Spring Retreat 2023
The PhD organized spring retreat 2023 took place from March 8-10, 2023 at Evangelisches Augustinerkloster in Erfurt.

7th RTG Workshop 2022
The 7th Annual RTG workshop took place from August 29 - 31, 2022 at Hotel Hessenkopf in Goslar.

6th RTG Workshop 2021
The 6th annual RTG workshop took place from September 6 - 8, 2021 in Mariaspring (Bovenden).

Workshop on Successful Intercultural Collaboration
An online workshop on Successful Intercultural Collaboration (Trainer: Dr. Silvie Klein-Franke) took place on April 12 - 15, 2021 (13:00 - 17:00 h).

PhD Spring Retreat 2021
An online Spring Retreat took place on March 8 - 9, 2021 from 14:00 - 18:00 h on both days.

5th RTG Workshop 2020
The 5th annual RTG workshop took place from October 5 - October 6, 2020 at the Institute for Numerical and Applied Mathematics in Göttingen.

PhD Spring Retreat 2020
From March 30-31, 2020 our PhD students will have their annual retreat at Hotel Loccumer Hof in Hannover.


Geometric Curvature Functionals and Optimization
Prof. Max Wardetzky, Dr. Henrik Schumacher, and Prof. Heiko von der Mosel hosted a workshop on Geometric Curvature Functionals and Optimization from March 11-13, 2020.
Please see the schedule and information about invited speakers here.

4th RTG Workshop 2019
The 4th annual RTG workshop took place from September 30 - October 2, 2019. in the Akademie Waldschlösschen near Bremke.

Gender Workshop "Constructive Communication"
From March 11-12, 2019 Sabine Mariß gave a workshop about Constructive Communication. There was a follow up on May 14, 2019.

PhD Spring Retreat 2019
From April 8-9, 2019 our PhD students organized a retreat in Hotel Hessenkopf in Goslar.

Sparse Approximation with Exponential Sums and Applications
From November 26-27, 2018 we organized the workshop Sparse Approximation with Exponential Sums and Applications. Please see the schedule for information about speakers and topics.

3rd RTG Workshop 2018, Bebra
From September 24-26, 2018 we held our 3rd annual RTG Workshop at the Tagungshotel Sonnenblick in Bebra. At the workshop our graduates presented their current research in a 25 minute talk, followed by 10 minutes time for discussions and questions.

Statistics Meets Friends - From Biophysics to Inverse Problems and Back
The workshop took place from November 29-December 1, 2017 on behalf of Axel Munk's 50th birthday.
Speakers from around the world talked about topics from their research field.
More information can be found here. Please also see the schedule.

Gender Workshop 2017 "Successful and Authentic Self Presentation"
From November 8-9, 2017 Elisabeth Schick hosted the gender workshop "Successful and Authentic Self Presentation" that was aimed at our female PhD students.

2nd RTG Workshop 2017, Eddigehausen
From September 25-27, 2017 we had our second annual RTG Workshop in Mariaspring near Bovenden.
During those three days our graduates presented their current research in a 25 minute talk, followed by 10 minutes time for discussions and questions.

Gender-Workshop 2016 "Rhetorik und Repräsentationstraining"
From November 24-25, 2016 our female RTG members had the chance to take part in a workshop conducted by Petra Hornberger in Frankfurt. It was a joint workshop with the RTG 1923 "Stochastic Models for Innovations in the Engineering Sciences" from the TU Kaiserslautern.

1st RTG Workshop 2016, Luisenthal
From October 04-06, 2016 we had our first annual RTG Workshop in the Waldhotel Berghof near Luisenthal. During those three days our graduates presented their current research in a 25 minute talk, followed by 10-15 minutes time for discussions and questions. On Wednesday we went for a hike to the Ohratalsperre.
Please see the schedule for further information.

Workshop "Location problems in Phylogenetic Tree Spaces: Optimization and Statistics"

Dates: Thursday, 22 September 2016: 9:00-18:00, NAM-SR (MN55)
Friday, 23 September 2016: 9:00-15:00, NAM-SR (MN55)
Please see the abstract and a detailed plan.

RTG Opening Workshop
Friday, 4 December 2015
MI-SZ (Sitzungszimmer, Mathematisches Institut)