Adaptation of future pesticide use against pathogens and pests under climate change (2013)
Sub-project within the research topic Crop Production of the research framework “KLIFF – Climate impact and adaptation research in Lower Saxony”
For further information about the research framework KLIFF please click the logo below:
Based on the potential impacts of climate change on pathogens and pests of wheat, sugar beet, oilseed rape and maize in Lower Saxony, derived within the first four years of the research framework “KLIFF”, the aim of this sub-project 22 (Figure 1) is to derive production-related adaptation strategies. These adaptation strategies will be in line with the basic principles of integrated pest management, which will be enforced by law in the near future. Altered quantitative and temporal occurrences of pathogens and pests therefore have to be encountered with pesticide applications restricted to the necessary extent, while considering product quality, natural ecosystems and the development of pesticide resistances.
Investigators: Magdalena Siebold, Prof. Dr. Joachim Kakau, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Landscape Architecture, University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück