Wir bitten um Entschuldigung
Quarterly an official and public graduation ceremony is taking place at the university’s auditorium and held by one of the deans of the five founding faculties of GAUSS. He/she is announcing the name as well as the thesis title of all GAUSS doctoral candidates who have successfully passed their doctoral examination in the last months and congratulates them to the completion of their doctoral studies. In case of a summa cum laude the final degree is also mentioned during the ceremony.
If you are unable to attend the ceremony, please report this to Ms. Rebecca Willhardt at the GAUSS Examination Office (phone: 39-21706; email: office@gauss.uni-goettingen.de).Graduation Ceremony
Graduation Ceremony dates in 2025:
25.04.2025 - begin 16:15 h - admission to the auditorium at Wilhelmsplatz is always at 16:00 h