Frequently Asked Questions

In case you could not find an answer to your question, please check our pages for doctoral candidates and documents before you write an email to the GAUSS or GGNB office or your programme office/deanery.
A: Enrolment at the University of Göttingen is a fully digital, location-independent process. Documents to be submitted are accepted as simple digital copies (scans), unless the admission regulations for individual programmes stipulate otherwise (e.g. submission of certain documents in the original). Please note that it is mandatory to be enrolled as a student during the whole course of your doctoral studies!
A: Information about residence and visa is provided by Goettingen International.
A: Only students who indicated in the online application for admission (Lucom form) that they wish to receive our monthly newsletter will be informed about courses (methods & soft skills) and other relevant events. If you would like to receive our newsletter and additional information related to your doctoral studies please contact the GAUSS office.
A: Yes, we offer family support for students with children and emergency scholarships. Activities organized by your program such as retreats, symposia and excursions can also be funded. You can find more information here. Note, GGNB offers further funding opportunities to its students.
A: ALL our doctoral students have received this extension automatically in case they belonged to a program in GAUSS (incl. GGNB) on 31 March 2020. Please write us an email, we will let you know about your new deadline for submission.
A: Please use the template „Application for thesis extension“. You can apply for one extension for maximum 6 months at a time, unless different options are indicated in the program specific regulations for your doctoral degree programme. If with the extension your doctoral studies exceed 4 years, the application has to be approved by the head of programme or dean/dean of studies of your faculty as well. GGNB: Please use the template „Application for thesis extension“. You can apply for one extension for maximum 6 months at a time. Extensions beyond 4 years require approvel by the program speaker and the GGNB Board.
A: TAC Meetings should primarily be held in presence, but can also be online - for example to involve external TAC members
The recommendations by the data protection officer of the University apply. The videoconferencing page of the GWDG informs about various videoconferencing services with recommendations and guidelines on how to use them.
Signatures for TAC meetings: Personal TAC meetings
Signatures of the TAC members can be collected on site on the regular TAC meeting confirmation sheet.
Video based TAC meetings
To facilitate the procedure of video-based TAC meetings, the TAC members should confirm to the doctoral candidate per email that a video-based meeting took place. This will replace original signatures on the performance record/checklist (confirmations should be saved for later use). Alternatively, the signatures of the TAC members for the video-based TAC meeting can be collected digitally on the regular TAC meeting confirmation sheet.
Applications for Thesis Extension
Applications for thesis extension should be discussed in the (virtual) TAC meeting and the application form should be send to respective deanery/program/GAUSS Office by email.
Signatures of the TAC members for confirmation can be collected on site, collected digitally, or confirmations by the TAC members should be sent by email to the doctoral candidate - please attach those confirmation emails to the application form and send this as a single PDF-file to the respective deanery/program/GAUSS Office by email.
A: You should state the actual beginning of your PhD related work (usually start of work contract), not the start of a semester from which you have been enrolled as a student. This is the same date you stated on the supervision agreement.
A: Here you can find the credit requirements of your program. Please contact your programme office or deanery if you have questions concerning courses other than the ones offered by GAUSS/GGNB, since the Thesis Advisory Committee may allow other courses to be taken in place of the modules mentioned in the list of modules/performance records (credit requirements) in order to obtain the corresponding credits.
A: Good Scientific Practice courses, mandatory for all doctoral students in GAUSS, incl. GGNB, are offered several times per semester. Please monitor our webpage and check the monthly newsletter (which also can be found online).
• It is possible to take the doctoral examination (colloquium with presentation and oral defense) using an appropriate video system. The videoconferencing page of the GWDG informs about various videoconferencing services with recommendations and guidelines how to use them. Due to data protection considerations there is a basic recommendation by the University and the data protection officer to prefer the use of BBB for oral examinations. Please note the terms and conditions about the use of video conferencing set forth in this document.
• Before using Zoom for disputations, please read carefully Manual for instructors regarding Zoom and Notes on Art. 13 of the EU basic data protection regulation (only in German).
• The rights of the participants under Art. 13 of the EU basic data protection regulation (EU-DSGVO) must be respected and thus, a video-based disputation requires the consent by the PhD candidate and all members of the examination board, as well as the approval by the speaker of the respective doctoral program by email or in writing (by post). This consent should be sent to the GAUSS Office (in cc to the respective deanery/program office).
Note of caution: Experience tells that such video-based meetings are often subject to technical challenges such as interrupted connections or poor sound/video quality so that they have to be terminated.
• The GAUSS Office will be able to assist with technical issues regarding the video-based disputation.
• The video-based disputation in an electronic meeting room is as usual limited to the University public while personal guests of the PhD candidate are allowed. We strongly recommend to limit the number of participants (e.g. to a maximum of 25 including the PhD candidate and the six members of the examination board). The participation of guests is at the discretion of the chairperson of the examination board (see also below).
• In case of technical difficulties that affect the presentation and participation of the examinee or of members of the examination board, the chairperson of the examination board may decide to terminate the disputation at any time. In this case, an alternative date will be required for repeating the examination. In order to ensure stability of video/audio transmission, it may be required to reduce the number of online participants and limit it to the PhD candidate and the members of the examination board. Should an unstable video/audio connection require the participants to reconnect, and reconnections prove to be non-satisfactory, the disputation shall be terminated after a decision based on common sense.
• At the end of the thesis defense the examination board will convene in a closed online session. Once an agreement has been reached, the examinee will be invited to rejoin the online meeting and will be informed about the results.
A: In general, if your main supervisor had an examination accreditation, he/she can still supervise you for the next 3 years. However, you can also try to find a new supervisor. Please contact your programme office/deanery for help and inform the GAUSS resp. GGNB office about any changes.
A: You find all information on the requirements and guidelines for publishing your thesis via the eDiss server of the SUB following this link Electronic dissertations at the SUB.
A: You should hand in the signed document of the revision certificate (Revisionsschein) as original, scan or copy. Additionally, we will need the confirmation of the SUB that you have uploaded your thesis – in case you have chosen this option. This document is usually sent to the GAUSS Office directly by the SUB. If you have published your thesis elsewhere we would need a confirmation from the publisher.
A: To collect your doctoral certificate please make an appointment. Alternatively, we can send it to you by mail if you provide us with a large envelope as registered mail (Einschreiben). Please contact us for further details.
A: You need to be matriculated for all parts of your examination (dissertation & disputation). You can exmatriculate at the earliest the day after your oral examination (disputation).
A: From May 2022 on, graduation ceremonies are held in the Aula building again, two times per semester. Unfortunately, the graduation ceremonies from 2020 and 2021 cannot be postponed. Due to the high number of graduates, it is not possible to accommodate the graduates registered for these ceremonies at the upcoming events.
A: You are allowed to use your title only after you have received the original doctoral certificate – not directly after the disputation!
A: Please check HERE for information and how to receive the special authentication (which includes a preliminary certification by the University of Göttingen and the authentication or apostille from the Göttingen Police Headquarters - these are easier to obtain while still in Göttingen)