Dr. Aldi Kuqo
Research interests
- Entwicklung neuer Lignocelluloseprodukte ohne Holz
- Naturfaser-Isolationsprodukte
- Verbundwerkstoffe aus Seegras (Posidonia oceanica, Yachthafen Zostera)
- Mechanische Charakterisierung von Materialien auf Naturfaserbasis
- Seagras im Bau (DAAD-Stipendium)
- 1. Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Carsten Mai
- Sea Gras - Verbundwerkstoffe auf Seegrasbasis
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Use of dry mixing-spraying process for the production of geopolymer-bonded wood and seagrass fibreboards.
Kuqo, A.; Koddenberg, T.; and Mai, C.
Composites Part B: Engineering, 248: 110387. January 2023.
Paper doi link bibtex abstract 1 download
Paper doi link bibtex abstract 1 download
@article{kuqo_use_2023, title = {Use of dry mixing-spraying process for the production of geopolymer-bonded wood and seagrass fibreboards}, volume = {248}, issn = {1359-8368}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1359836822007600}, doi = {10.1016/j.compositesb.2022.110387}, abstract = {Mixing lignocellulosic fibres with a mineral binder to produce fibreboards is a challenging process due to their large volume per unit mass and their susceptibility to agglomeration (balling effect). The main objective in the dry mixing-spraying process presented in our study is the uniform distribution of the geopolymer binder in the lignocellulosic material. In this work, we compare the properties of two types of composites processed by implementing the abovementioned technique. Geopolymer-bonded fibreboards were produced using up to 50 wt\% seagrass or wood fibres. Microscopy and X-ray micro-tomography investigations of the geopolymer composites indicated that their mechanical and physical properties depend on the size of incorporated fibres. Large seagrass fibres were appropriately mixed with the mineral binder matrix forming solid fibreboards that were able to reach the standard requirements for cement boards. More specifically, seagrass-based fibreboards exhibit up to 42\% higher bending strength (up to 9.4 MPa) compared to fibreboards composed of wood fibres. In addition, their low thickness swelling and low mean heat release rate in a cone calorimeter (varying from 21.5 to 26.6 kW m−2) indicated a high resistance to water and fire. Considering the resulting properties of the produced fibreboards, the dry-mixing spraying process can be an appropriate technique for producing geopolymer composites containing large amounts of relatively long fibres.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2022-11-09}, journal = {Composites Part B: Engineering}, author = {Kuqo, Aldi and Koddenberg, Tim and Mai, Carsten}, month = jan, year = {2023}, keywords = {Geopolymer composites, Mechanical testing, Seagrass fibres, Wood fibres, X-ray microtomography}, pages = {110387}, file = {Kuqo et al. - 2023 - Use of dry mixing-spraying process for the product.pdf:/home/eva/Zotero/storage/WZAXT4XX/Kuqo et al. - 2023 - Use of dry mixing-spraying process for the product.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Mixing lignocellulosic fibres with a mineral binder to produce fibreboards is a challenging process due to their large volume per unit mass and their susceptibility to agglomeration (balling effect). The main objective in the dry mixing-spraying process presented in our study is the uniform distribution of the geopolymer binder in the lignocellulosic material. In this work, we compare the properties of two types of composites processed by implementing the abovementioned technique. Geopolymer-bonded fibreboards were produced using up to 50 wt% seagrass or wood fibres. Microscopy and X-ray micro-tomography investigations of the geopolymer composites indicated that their mechanical and physical properties depend on the size of incorporated fibres. Large seagrass fibres were appropriately mixed with the mineral binder matrix forming solid fibreboards that were able to reach the standard requirements for cement boards. More specifically, seagrass-based fibreboards exhibit up to 42% higher bending strength (up to 9.4 MPa) compared to fibreboards composed of wood fibres. In addition, their low thickness swelling and low mean heat release rate in a cone calorimeter (varying from 21.5 to 26.6 kW m−2) indicated a high resistance to water and fire. Considering the resulting properties of the produced fibreboards, the dry-mixing spraying process can be an appropriate technique for producing geopolymer composites containing large amounts of relatively long fibres.
Flexible Insulation Mats from Zostera marina Seagrass.
Kuqo, A.; and Mai, C.
Journal of Natural Fibers, 20(1): 2154303. December 2023.
Paper doi link bibtex abstract
Paper doi link bibtex abstract
@article{kuqo_flexible_2023, title = {Flexible {Insulation} {Mats} from \textit{{Zostera} marina} {Seagrass}}, volume = {20}, issn = {1544-0478, 1544-046X}, url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15440478.2022.2154303}, doi = {10.1080/15440478.2022.2154303}, abstract = {The dead seagrass leaves accumulated on the seashores, also known as beach (seagrass) wracks, can be considered a sustainable and ecologically beneficial source for application in the construction sector. An innovative thermal insulation material composed of Zostera marina seagrass leaves was developed using bicomponent fibers as a binding agent. The bicom ponent fibers consisted of polypropylene in the core and polyethylene in the sheath. This work aimed to investigate the effect of mat density on mechanical properties (compression and internal bond strength), thermal conductivity and fire properties. The seagrass-based (SG) mats were com pared to reference mats consisting of wood fibers (WF). The digital and scanning electron microscopy investigation revealed the differences in the bonding mechanism between the two types of mats. Although slightly higher than WF mats, the thermal conductivity of SG mats still varied from 0.039 to 0.051 W m−1 K−1 and is comparable to those of other natural fiber-based boards with the same density range. The low peak heat release of SG mats (up to 63\% lower than wood fiber-based mats) indicates their high resistance to fire. SG mats provide novel possibilities for using new environmentally friendly materials intended for ceiling and partition applications.}, language = {en}, number = {1}, urldate = {2023-03-13}, journal = {Journal of Natural Fibers}, author = {Kuqo, Aldi and Mai, Carsten}, month = dec, year = {2023}, pages = {2154303}, file = {Kuqo und Mai - 2023 - Flexible Insulation Mats from Zostera marinai.pdf:/home/eva/Zotero/storage/NDH89H63/Kuqo und Mai - 2023 - Flexible Insulation Mats from Zostera marinai.pdf:application/pdf}, }
The dead seagrass leaves accumulated on the seashores, also known as beach (seagrass) wracks, can be considered a sustainable and ecologically beneficial source for application in the construction sector. An innovative thermal insulation material composed of Zostera marina seagrass leaves was developed using bicomponent fibers as a binding agent. The bicom ponent fibers consisted of polypropylene in the core and polyethylene in the sheath. This work aimed to investigate the effect of mat density on mechanical properties (compression and internal bond strength), thermal conductivity and fire properties. The seagrass-based (SG) mats were com pared to reference mats consisting of wood fibers (WF). The digital and scanning electron microscopy investigation revealed the differences in the bonding mechanism between the two types of mats. Although slightly higher than WF mats, the thermal conductivity of SG mats still varied from 0.039 to 0.051 W m−1 K−1 and is comparable to those of other natural fiber-based boards with the same density range. The low peak heat release of SG mats (up to 63% lower than wood fiber-based mats) indicates their high resistance to fire. SG mats provide novel possibilities for using new environmentally friendly materials intended for ceiling and partition applications.
Enhancement of physico-mechanical properties of geopolymer particleboards through the use of seagrass fibers.
Kuqo, A.; Mayer, A. K.; Amiandamhen, S. O.; Adamopoulos, S.; and Mai, C.
Construction and Building Materials, 374: 130889. April 2023.
Paper doi link bibtex 1 download
Paper doi link bibtex 1 download
@article{kuqo_enhancement_2023, title = {Enhancement of physico-mechanical properties of geopolymer particleboards through the use of seagrass fibers}, volume = {374}, issn = {09500618}, url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0950061823006013}, doi = {10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.130889}, language = {en}, urldate = {2023-03-13}, journal = {Construction and Building Materials}, author = {Kuqo, Aldi and Mayer, Aaron Kilian and Amiandamhen, Stephen O. and Adamopoulos, Stergios and Mai, Carsten}, month = apr, year = {2023}, pages = {130889}, file = {Kuqo et al. - 2023 - Enhancement of physico-mechanical properties of ge.pdf:/home/eva/Zotero/storage/RKUJJRN2/Kuqo et al. - 2023 - Enhancement of physico-mechanical properties of ge.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Seagrass- and wood-based cement boards: A comparative study in terms of physico-mechanical and structural properties.
Mayer, A.; Kuqo, A.; Koddenberg, T.; and Mai, C.
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 156: 106864. February 2022.
Paper doi link bibtex abstract 1 download
Paper doi link bibtex abstract 1 download
@article{mayer_seagrass-_2022, title = {Seagrass- and wood-based cement boards: {A} comparative study in terms of physico-mechanical and structural properties}, volume = {156}, issn = {1359835X}, shorttitle = {Seagrass- and wood-based cement boards}, url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1359835X22000586}, doi = {10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.106864}, abstract = {The inclusion and management of local, natural resources in the construction sector are on the rise as a result of the undisputed essentiality of sustainability. This study aims to assess and compare cement-bonded boards containing seagrass fibers (Posidonia oceanica) and pine wood particles (Pinus sylvestris) in terms of their compatibility with cement, their physico-mechanical properties, and their microstructure using X-ray microcomputed tomography and 3D-reflected light microscopy. Seagrass-based cement boards comply with the DIN EN 634 surpassing the stated MOR value of 9 N mm− 2. The thickness swelling of all seagrass-based cement boards was between 0.2 and 1.2\%, indicating a possible outdoor application. The structural characterization and the study of the degree of compatibility showed that the size, geometry, and chemical composition of the lignocellulosic precursors mostly influenced the final properties of the board. Seagrass-based cement boards provide novel possibilities to use new environmentally friendly materials for construction applications.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2022-02-11}, journal = {Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing}, author = {Mayer, Aaron and Kuqo, Aldi and Koddenberg, Tim and Mai, Carsten}, month = feb, year = {2022}, pages = {106864}, file = {Kilian Mayer et al. - 2022 - Seagrass- and wood-based cement boards A comparat.pdf:/home/eva/Zotero/storage/TNYLXTEZ/Kilian Mayer et al. - 2022 - Seagrass- and wood-based cement boards A comparat.pdf:application/pdf}, }
The inclusion and management of local, natural resources in the construction sector are on the rise as a result of the undisputed essentiality of sustainability. This study aims to assess and compare cement-bonded boards containing seagrass fibers (Posidonia oceanica) and pine wood particles (Pinus sylvestris) in terms of their compatibility with cement, their physico-mechanical properties, and their microstructure using X-ray microcomputed tomography and 3D-reflected light microscopy. Seagrass-based cement boards comply with the DIN EN 634 surpassing the stated MOR value of 9 N mm− 2. The thickness swelling of all seagrass-based cement boards was between 0.2 and 1.2%, indicating a possible outdoor application. The structural characterization and the study of the degree of compatibility showed that the size, geometry, and chemical composition of the lignocellulosic precursors mostly influenced the final properties of the board. Seagrass-based cement boards provide novel possibilities to use new environmentally friendly materials for construction applications.
Seagrass Leaves: An Alternative Resource for the Production of Insulation Materials.
Kuqo, A.; and Mai, C.
Materials, 15(19): 6933. January 2022.
Number: 19 Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Paper doi link bibtex abstract
Paper doi link bibtex abstract
@article{kuqo_seagrass_2022, title = {Seagrass {Leaves}: {An} {Alternative} {Resource} for the {Production} of {Insulation} {Materials}}, volume = {15}, copyright = {http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/}, issn = {1996-1944}, shorttitle = {Seagrass {Leaves}}, url = {https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1944/15/19/6933}, doi = {10.3390/ma15196933}, abstract = {Seagrass wracks, the remains of dead leaves accumulated on seashores, are important ecosystems and beneficial for the marine environment. Their presence on the touristic beaches, however, is a problem for the tourism industry due to the lack of aesthetics and safety reasons. At the present time, seagrass leaves are landfilled, although this is not considered an ecological waste management practice. Among other proposed practices for more sustainable and environmentally friendly management, such as composting and biogas or energy generation, in this study we aim to use seagrass leaves for the production of insulation materials. Insulation boards from two types of seagrass leaves (Posidonia oceanica and Zostera marina) at densities varying from 80 to 200 kg m−3 were prepared and their physical and mechanical properties were examined and compared to those of wood fiber insulation boards. The thermal conductivity of seagrass-based insulation boards varied from 0.042 to 0.050 W m−1 K−1, which was up to 12\% lower compared to the latter. The cone calorimetry analysis revealed that seagrass-based insulation boards are more fire resistant than those from wood fibers, as they release very low amounts of heat during combustion and do not ignite when exposed to a single flame (Bunsen burner). A simplified cost analysis showed that insulation boards made from seagrass leaves can be up to 30\% cheaper compared to those made from wood fibers. After their end of life, seagrass leaves can again be considered a valuable resource and be further utilized by adopting other management strategies.}, language = {en}, number = {19}, urldate = {2022-11-09}, journal = {Materials}, author = {Kuqo, Aldi and Mai, Carsten}, month = jan, year = {2022}, note = {Number: 19 Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}, keywords = {\textit{Posidonia oceanica}, \textit{Zostera marina}, fire properties, seagrass wracks, thermal insulation, waste valorization}, pages = {6933}, file = {Full Text PDF:/home/eva/Zotero/storage/8AH7FZLL/Kuqo und Mai - 2022 - Seagrass Leaves An Alternative Resource for the P.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Seagrass wracks, the remains of dead leaves accumulated on seashores, are important ecosystems and beneficial for the marine environment. Their presence on the touristic beaches, however, is a problem for the tourism industry due to the lack of aesthetics and safety reasons. At the present time, seagrass leaves are landfilled, although this is not considered an ecological waste management practice. Among other proposed practices for more sustainable and environmentally friendly management, such as composting and biogas or energy generation, in this study we aim to use seagrass leaves for the production of insulation materials. Insulation boards from two types of seagrass leaves (Posidonia oceanica and Zostera marina) at densities varying from 80 to 200 kg m−3 were prepared and their physical and mechanical properties were examined and compared to those of wood fiber insulation boards. The thermal conductivity of seagrass-based insulation boards varied from 0.042 to 0.050 W m−1 K−1, which was up to 12% lower compared to the latter. The cone calorimetry analysis revealed that seagrass-based insulation boards are more fire resistant than those from wood fibers, as they release very low amounts of heat during combustion and do not ignite when exposed to a single flame (Bunsen burner). A simplified cost analysis showed that insulation boards made from seagrass leaves can be up to 30% cheaper compared to those made from wood fibers. After their end of life, seagrass leaves can again be considered a valuable resource and be further utilized by adopting other management strategies.
Non-Conventional Mineral Binder-Bonded Lignocellulosic Composite Materials: A Review.
Emmanuel, O. U.; Kuqo, A.; and Mai, C.
BioResources, 16(2): 4606–4648. April 2021.
Number: 2
Paper link bibtex abstract 5 downloads
Paper link bibtex abstract 5 downloads
@article{emmanuel_non-conventional_2021, title = {Non-{Conventional} {Mineral} {Binder}-{Bonded} {Lignocellulosic} {Composite} {Materials}: {A} {Review}}, volume = {16}, copyright = {Copyright (c) 2021}, issn = {1930-2126}, shorttitle = {Non-{Conventional} {Mineral} {Binder}-{Bonded} {Lignocellulosic} {Composite} {Materials}}, url = {https://ojs.cnr.ncsu.edu/index.php/BioRes/article/view/BioRes_16_2_Review_Emmanuel_Mineral_Binder_Lignocellulosic_Composite}, abstract = {The construction industry suffers from unsustainability and contributes more than any other industrial sector to carbon emissions that lead to global warming. Increasing economic and environmental concerns related to conventional energy- and CO2-intensive building materials have propelled the rapid and sustained expansion of research in the area of plant-based inorganic mineral binder-bonded materials for the construction industry. The resulting composites can be qualified as eco-responsible, sustainable, and efficient multifunctional building materials. So far, most of these research efforts have not received as much attention as materials based on ordinary Portland cement (OPC). To address this gap, this review focuses on mineral binder-based lignocellulosic composites made from non-conventional inorganic mineral binders/ cements with low embodied energy and low carbon footprint, namely hydrated lime-based binders, magnesium-based cement, alkali-activated cement, and geopolymers, as sustainable alternatives to OPC-bonded lignocellulosic composites (state-of-the-art). The emphasis here is on the application potentials, the influence of production parameters on the material properties/ performance, and recent advancement in this field. Finally, a prediction is provided of future trends for these non-conventional mineral binder-bonded lignocellulosic composites.}, language = {en}, number = {2}, urldate = {2021-05-03}, journal = {BioResources}, author = {Emmanuel, Opara Uchechukwu and Kuqo, Aldi and Mai, Carsten}, month = apr, year = {2021}, note = {Number: 2}, keywords = {Bio-based materials, Inorganic bonded composites, Natural fibers, Non-conventional mineral binders, Sustainable construction}, pages = {4606--4648}, file = {Full Text PDF:/home/eva/Zotero/storage/4VP9LZTH/Emmanuel et al. - 2021 - Non-Conventional Mineral Binder-Bonded Lignocellul.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:/home/eva/Zotero/storage/UF6DNLXT/BioRes_16_2_Review_Emmanuel_Mineral_Binder_Lignocellulosic_Composite.html:text/html}, }
The construction industry suffers from unsustainability and contributes more than any other industrial sector to carbon emissions that lead to global warming. Increasing economic and environmental concerns related to conventional energy- and CO2-intensive building materials have propelled the rapid and sustained expansion of research in the area of plant-based inorganic mineral binder-bonded materials for the construction industry. The resulting composites can be qualified as eco-responsible, sustainable, and efficient multifunctional building materials. So far, most of these research efforts have not received as much attention as materials based on ordinary Portland cement (OPC). To address this gap, this review focuses on mineral binder-based lignocellulosic composites made from non-conventional inorganic mineral binders/ cements with low embodied energy and low carbon footprint, namely hydrated lime-based binders, magnesium-based cement, alkali-activated cement, and geopolymers, as sustainable alternatives to OPC-bonded lignocellulosic composites (state-of-the-art). The emphasis here is on the application potentials, the influence of production parameters on the material properties/ performance, and recent advancement in this field. Finally, a prediction is provided of future trends for these non-conventional mineral binder-bonded lignocellulosic composites.
Mechanical properties of lightweight gypsum composites comprised of seagrass Posidonia oceanica and pine (Pinus sylvestris) wood fibers.
Kuqo, A.; and Mai, C.
Construction and Building Materials, 282: 122714. May 2021.
Paper doi link bibtex abstract 4 downloads
Paper doi link bibtex abstract 4 downloads
@article{kuqo_mechanical_2021, title = {Mechanical properties of lightweight gypsum composites comprised of seagrass {Posidonia} oceanica and pine ({Pinus} sylvestris) wood fibers}, volume = {282}, issn = {09500618}, url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0950061821004748}, doi = {10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.122714}, abstract = {Considering the current environmental awareness and the increasing interest in advanced and sustainable materials, the use of natural fibers has become a common practice owing to their appealing characteristics. This study assesses the mechanical properties with respect to bending and compression, impact bending resistance as well as the hardness of gypsum plaster composed with the Mediterranean seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) and pine wood (Pinus sylvestris) fibers. The addition of fibers from 1 to 6 wt\% led to a reduction of density from 5\% to 30\%, respectively. In terms of mechanical properties, composites containing up to 2\% wood fiber develop enhanced flexural and compression strength by 28\% and 4\% respectively; however, a further addition worsened these properties. Composites comprised of seagrass yielded a decrease in strength; yet, the fracture energy absorbed by the material before it completely lost its load-bearing capacity increased. Correspondingly, the impact resistance of the seagrass composites was 57\% higher than that of unreinforced plaster. Surface hardness tests indicated that the smaller wood fibers are more effective in transferring the load on a small scale and therefore can improve localized strength compared to larger seagrass fibers. The addition of seagrass and wood fibers presents a sustainable and ecological way to improve the major properties of gypsum products.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2021-03-09}, journal = {Construction and Building Materials}, author = {Kuqo, Aldi and Mai, Carsten}, month = may, year = {2021}, pages = {122714}, file = {Kuqo und Mai - 2021 - Mechanical properties of lightweight gypsum compos.pdf:/home/eva/Zotero/storage/Y2D9Q2GQ/Kuqo und Mai - 2021 - Mechanical properties of lightweight gypsum compos.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Considering the current environmental awareness and the increasing interest in advanced and sustainable materials, the use of natural fibers has become a common practice owing to their appealing characteristics. This study assesses the mechanical properties with respect to bending and compression, impact bending resistance as well as the hardness of gypsum plaster composed with the Mediterranean seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) and pine wood (Pinus sylvestris) fibers. The addition of fibers from 1 to 6 wt% led to a reduction of density from 5% to 30%, respectively. In terms of mechanical properties, composites containing up to 2% wood fiber develop enhanced flexural and compression strength by 28% and 4% respectively; however, a further addition worsened these properties. Composites comprised of seagrass yielded a decrease in strength; yet, the fracture energy absorbed by the material before it completely lost its load-bearing capacity increased. Correspondingly, the impact resistance of the seagrass composites was 57% higher than that of unreinforced plaster. Surface hardness tests indicated that the smaller wood fibers are more effective in transferring the load on a small scale and therefore can improve localized strength compared to larger seagrass fibers. The addition of seagrass and wood fibers presents a sustainable and ecological way to improve the major properties of gypsum products.
1. Kuqo A., Korpa A. and Dhamo N. Posidonia Oceanica leaves for processing of PMDI composite boards. Journal of Composite materials. (2018) DOI: 10.1177/0021998318808024.
2. Kuqo A., Boci I., Vito S. and Vishkulli S. Mechanical properties of lightweight concrete composed with Posidonia Oceanica fibres. Zastija Materijala. (2018). DOI: 10.5937/zasmat1804519K