RTG 2756

Cytoskeletal elements of active matter – from molecular interactions to cellular biophysics (CYTAC)

The research training group (RTG) 2756 “Cytoskeletal elements of active matter – from molecular interactions to cellular biophysics”, based at the Georg-August University of Göttingen, is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) from January 2023 to December 2027. The cytoskeleton is a complex network of protein filaments of living cells. It is responsible for mechanical and dynamic properties of the cell and thus instrumental for many important cellular functions. The Research Training Group “Cytoskeletal elements of active matter – from molecular interactions to cellular biophysics (CYTAC)” is devoted to covering all length scales involved - from the level of individual molecules, through mesoscopic filaments and membranes, all the way to cells. Naturally, this research is performed in a highly interdicsiplinary manner and involves physics, physical and bio-chemistry, cell biology and mathematical data analysis.

RTG Biophysics Hackathon 2024


🚀 This year RTG members offer you to participate in collaborative and fun BIOPHYSICS hackathon with three days of hacking and nano-classes on cytosceleton, AI coding and more!
Find more details here and register with Dr. Yoav Pollack at yoav.pollack@phys.uni-goettingen.de.

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