Publications Dr. Tetiana Vodotyka

Articles and in journals and edited volumes

  • 2021. Battles for History. ‘Combats Pour l’histoire’ as the Elements of Russian Information Warfare. Ukrainian Case. In: Mölder H., Sazonov V., Chochia A., Kerikmäe T. (eds) The Russian Federation in Global Knowledge Warfare. Contributions to International Relations. Springer, Cham. (co-author Yevhen Mahda)
  • 2019. Vodotyka T., Vodotyka S. Honorary citizenship of cities of sub-Russian Ukraine in the second half of the XIX century: strategies of gratitude and loyalty. Ukrainian Historical Journal. № 6

Editorships and monographs

  • 2020. Success Stories. Famous Ukrainian Businessmen in 19 century. Kyiv; Folio.
  • 2019. Honorable Citizens of Kyiv. 1872-1914. Kyiv: Varto.
  • 2019. Ukrainians in the World Armies. Kharkiv: Vivat (co-author Serhiy Vodotyka)
  • 2018. Space of Possibilities. Ukraine in the Iron and Steam Epoche. Kyiv: Clio
  • 2018. Entrepreneurship Culture in the Cities of Dnieper Ukraine (second half of 19th - early 20th century). Kyiv: Institute of History of Ukraine.
  • 2016. Games of Images. How the World Sees Ukraine. Kharkiv: Vivat (co-author Yevhen Mahda)