8th Migration Research Lab:

“Ethnography as guesthood, or doing research in (semi)domestic spaces: prospects, dilemmas and lessons learnt from HOMInG's fieldwork”

17.11.2022, 14:15-15:45 (CET), Ort: Verfügungsgebäude (VG), Platz der Göttinger Sieben, VG 4.105

In this Migration Research Lab Paolo Boccagni (Department of Sociology and social research, University of Trento) revisits a way of doing ethnographic fieldwork that has informed several of his research sites, including some related to forced migration, along the fieldwork experience of ERC HOMInG (2016-2022). Drawing also on a forthcoming edited collection, Migration and domestic space (Boccagni & Bonfanti, Springer, 2023), he briefly illustrates the potential, limitations and dilemmas of fieldwork done after having access, as a guest, in the home of someone else. This is not meant to set any methodological benchmark, but rather as a way to share expertise, experience and food for thought with participants, in an interactive format.

The Migration Research Lab is aimed at empirical/ ethnographic researchers of all levels (Bachelor, Master, PhD, Postdoc) who seek exchange about research designs, methodological approaches but also fieldwork issues with a view to one's own research in topics related to (forced) migration.

Moderation, Idee und Konzept: Friedemann, Yi-Neumann (aus dem Forschungsprojekt: On the materiality of (forced) migration) & H. Pınar Şenoğuz (DaMigra e.V.).

Anmeldung: Bitte melden Sie sich per E-Mail an (cemig@uni-goettingen.de) und stellen Sie sich und Ihre Forschungsarbeit sowie Ihre spezifischen Interessen an diesem Forschungslabor kurz in Sätzen vor. Sie erhalten dann Lesevorschläge zur Vorbereitung.


Am Abend hält Paolo Boccagni einen Impulsvortrag im Rahmen des Begleitprogramms der Ausstellung "Moving Things", einer Sonderausstellung im Forum Wissen des Instituts für Ethnologie der Universität Göttingen, des Museums Friedland, der Ausstellungsagentur "Die Exponauten. Ausstellungen et cetera" und dem Kunstverein Göttingen.
What do objects do in an asylum centre? Unpacking forced (im)mobility, (dis)connectedness, inertia and potential futures through the semi-domesticity of refuge

Datum: 17.11.2022, 18:30-20:00 CEST
Ort: Forum Wissen, Berliner Straße 28, 37073 Göttingen

Die Aufzeichnung des Vortrags finden Sie unter folgendem Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYZCeOyHECs/