Hüttel, S., Seifert, S., Schöndube, A. (2023) |
Kaufpreisanalyse für Ackerland in Sachsen-Anhalt mittels hedonischer Regression. LSA Verm 2023/2 |
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Ebers, N., Stupak, N., Hüttel, S., Woelfert, M. Müller-Thomy, H. (2023) |
Potenzialabschätzung von technischen Wasserspeicheroptionen, Bewässerungsansätzen und ihrer Umsetzbarkeit, Thünen Working Paper 227 |
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Uehleke, R., Leonhardt, H., Hüttel, S. (2023) |
Counterfactual evaluation of two Austrian agri-environmental schemes in 2014–2018. Agricultural Economics, in press. |
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Leonhardt, H., Hüttel, S., Lakes, T., Wesemeyer, M., Wolff, S. (2023) |
Use Cases of the Integrated Administration and Control System’s Plot-Level Data: Protocol and Pilot Analysis for a Systematic Mapping Review. German Journal of Agricultural Economics 72(3/4), 168-184. |
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Hüttel, S., Hess, S. (2023) |
Lessons from the p-value debate and the replication crisis for “open Q science” – the editor’s perspective or: will the revolution devour its children? Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development Discussion Paper 2302 |
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Heckelei, T., Hüttel, S., Odening, M., Rommel, J. (2023) |
The p-value debate and statistical (mal)practice – implications for the agricultural and food economics community. German Journal of Agricultural Economics 72(1), 47-67. |
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Heckelei, T., Hüttel, S., Odening, M., Rommel, J. (2023) |
Replication Data for: The p-value debate and statistical (mal)practice – implications for the agricultural and food economics community, GRO.data V2. |
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Jauernig, J., Brosig, S., Hüttel, S. (2023) |
Profession and residency matter: Farmers' preferences for farmland price regulation in Germany. Journal of Agricultural Economics. forthcoming. |
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Seifert, S., Hüttel, S., Werwatz, A. (2023) |
Organic cultivation and farmland prices: Does certification matter? FORLand Working Paper Series 2023-28 |
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Seifert, S., Hüttel, S. (2023) |
Is there a risk of a winner’s curse in farmland auctions? European Review of Agricultural Economics, 50(3),1140–1177 |
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Gruère, G., Migliaccio, E., Ellis, E., Kodama, W., Roffredi, L. and V. Vanisova (2023) |
Pursuing Higher Environmental Goals for Agriculture in an Interconnected World: Climate Change and Pesticides. OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Papers, No. 193. OECD Publishing, Paris. |
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Isenhardt, L., Seifert, S., Hüttel, S. (2023) |
Tenant favoritism and right of first refusals in farmland auctions: competition and price effects. Land Economics, 99(2), 302-324. |
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Mohrmann, S., Otter, V. (2023) |
Categorisation of Biogas Plant Operators in Germany with Regards to Their Intention to Use Straw Pellets as Innovative and Sustainable Substrate Alternative. Energies 2023, 16(1), 5. |
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Seifert, S., M. Humpsch, A. Balmann, and S. Hüttel (2023) |
How Does Tenancy Affect Farmland Prices? Effects of Lease Status, Lease Term, and Buyer Type. Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V., Bd. 58, 2023, S. 433-445. |
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Isenhardt, L. , S. Seifert, S. Wolff, T. Lakes, A. Werwatz, M. Graubner and S. Hüttel (2023) |
Renewable Energy Policy Effects and Farmland Markets – The German Perspective. Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V., Bd. 58, 2023, S. 479-481. |
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Leonhardt, H. , S. Hüttel , T. Lakes and S. Wolf (2023) |
Applications of Land-Use Data from the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) in Scientific Research: A Scoping Review Pilot Analysis. Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V., Bd. 58, 2023, S. 267-278. |
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Mohrmann, S. , C. Schaper and V. Otter (2023) |
Strohpellets Als Innovatives Alternativsubstrat in der Biogasproduktion : Ergebnisse einer empirischen Analyse. Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V., Bd. 58, 2023, S. 335-351. |
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Langer, G. and S. Schukat (2023) |
Die Einstellung Deutscher Milchviehhalter gegenüber dem Internet der Dinge. Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V., Bd. 58, 2023, S. 369-381. |
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Adamie, B., Uehleke, R., Hansson, H., Mußhof, O., and Hüttel, S. (2022) |
Dairy cow welfare measures: Can production economic data help? Sustainable Production and Consumption, 32, 296-305. |
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Humpesch, M., Seifert, S., Balmann, A., and Hüttel, S. (2022) |
How does tenancy affect farmland prices? Effects of lease status, lease term and buyer type. Agricultural Finance Review, 83(2), 242-263. |
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Uehleke, R., Petrick, M., and Hüttel, S. (2022) |
Evaluations of agri-environmental schemes based on observational farm data: The importance of covariate selection. Land Use Policy, 114, 105950. |
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Kodama, W., Pede, V., Mishra, A., Ali, J., Ndayiragije, A., Cabrera, E., and Langa., M. (2022) |
Assessing the Benefits of Green Super Rice in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Mozambique. Q Open, 2(1). |
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Silva, J., Pede, V., Radanielsonc, A., Kodama, W., et al. (2022) |
Revisiting Rice Yield Gaps and the Scope for Sustainable Intensification Across Irrigated Lowland Areas in Southeast Asia. Agricultural Systems, 198(3). |
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Massfeller, M., Meraner, M., Hüttel, S., Uehleke, R. (2022) |
Data on farmers’ acceptance of results-based agri-environmental schemes. Data in Brief, 45, 108642. |
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Massfeller, M., Meraner, M., Hüttel, S., Uehleke, R. (2022) |
Farmers’ acceptance of results-based agri-environmental schemes: A German perspective. Land Use Policy, 120, 106281. |
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Leonhardt, H., Hüttel, S., Lakes, T., Wesemeyer, M., Wolff, S. (2022) |
Applications of Land-use Data from the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) in Scientific Research: A scoping Review Pilot Analysis. |
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Welting, M., Hüttel, S. (2022) |
Sustainable Intensification Farming as an Enabler for Farm Eco-Efficiency?, Environmental and Resource Economics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10640-022-00718-6 |
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Hüttel, S., Leuchten, M., Leyer, M. (2022) |
The Importance of Social Norm on Adopting Sustainable Digital Fertilisation Methods, Organization & Environment, 35(1), 79-102. https://doi.org/10.1177/1086026620929074 |
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Wiedenroth, C., Otter, V. (2022) |
Can new healthy luxury food products accelerate short food supply chain formation via social media marketing in high-income countries?. Agricultural and Food Economics 10(31). |
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Isenhardt, L., Seifert, S., Wolff, S., Lakes, T., Werwatz, A., Graubner, M., Hüttel, S. (2022) |
Renewable energy policy and farmland markets – the German perspective, accepted paper for presentation at the 9th EAAE PhD workshop, Parma, Italy, 22.-24. June 2022 |
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Heckelei, T., Hüttel, S., Odening, M., Rommel, J. (2021) |
The replicability crisis and the p-value debate – what are the consequences for the agricultural and food economics community? |
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Seifert, S., Kahle, C., Hüttel, S. (2021) |
Price dispersion in thin farmland markets: What is the role of asymmetric information? American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 103(4), 1545-1568 |
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Winklhofer, P., Andert, S., Hüttel, S., Gerowitt, B. (2021) |
Measuring On-Farm Phosphorus Fertiliser Use—Lessons Learned from Surveying Data of Five Regions in Northern Germany. Agronomy 11(11), 1-21. |
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Weltin, M., Zasada, I., Hüttel, S. (2021) |
Relevance of portfolio effects in adopting sustainable farming practices, Journal of Cleaner Production |
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Massfeller, A., Meraner, M., Hüttel, S., Uehleke, R. (2021) |
Farmers’ acceptance of results-based agri-environmental schemes - insights from a case study in North Rhine-Westphalia. 61st Annual Conference, Berlin, Germany, September 22-24 |
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Balmann, A., Graubner, M., Müller, D., Hüttel, S., Seifert, S., Odening, M., Plogmann, J., Ritter, M. (2021) |
Market Power in Agricultural Land Markets: Concepts and Empirical Challenges, German Journal of Agricultural Economics, 70(4), 213-235 |
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Leonhardt, H., Braito, M., & Uehleke, R. (2021) |
Combining the best of two methodological worlds? Integrating Q methodology-based farmer archetypes in a quantitative model of agri-environmental scheme uptake. Agriculture and Human Values, 1-16 |
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Uehleke, R., Seifert, S., Hüttel, S. (2021) |
Do Animal Welfare Schemes Promote Better Animal Health? An Empirical Investigation of German Pork Production. Livestock Science 247. |
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Wolff, S., Hüttel, S., Nendel, C., Lakes, T. (2021) |
Agricultural Landscapes in Brandenburg, Germany: An Analysis of Characteristics and Spatial Patterns. International Journal of Environmental Research 15, 487–507. |
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Curtiss, J., Jelínek, L., Medonos, T., Hruška, M., Hüttel, S. (2021) |
Investors’ impact on Czech farmland prices: a microstructural analysis, German Journal of Agricultural Economics 70(5):103-127, |
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Mohrmann, S., Deutsch, M., Schaper, C. (2021) |
The market of bioenergy, European Review of Agricultural Economics 48(1), 97–157 |
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