Arbeitsgruppe Wolf
- Namra Aamir, PhD student (IMPRS Neuroscience)
- Roya Abbaszadeh, postdoc, associated
- Christina von Behren, assistant, e-mail
- Jonas Franz, postdoc, associated, e-mail
- Hyojin Kim, postdoc
- Deqing Kong, postdoc, associated
- Selma Kouaiche, PhD student (PTCN), e-mail
- Luis Peters, MSc student
- Alexander Schmidt, postdoc, e-mail
- Friedrich Schwarz, MSc student
- Mohammadreza Soltanipour, PhD student (PTCN), e-mail
- Zoe Stawyskyj, postdoc, e-mail
- Michael Sternbach, postdoc, e-mail
- Julian Vogel, postdoc, e-mail
- Neil Wesch, PhD student (PTCN), e-mail
- Fred Wolf, PI, Head of Department
section Developmental Dynamics
- Matthias Häring, postdoc, head of Developmental Dynamics, e-mail
- Parsa Hariri, MSc student
- Ilia Leonov, MSc student
- Constantin Lührmann, software engineer
- Aaron Nagel, software engineer
- Burmeister, Charlotte
- Gütig, Robert, Prof. Dr.
- Jürgens, Rebecca, Dr.
- Dr. Elinor Lazarov
- Lenner, Nicolas, Dr.
- Leon Pinzon, Carolina, Dr.
- Martins Merino, Ricardo, Dr.
- Rostosky, Christine, Dr.
- Schultheis, Erik
- Unakafov, Anton, Dr.
- Wu, Wenqi, Dr.
- Zhang, Chenfei, Dr.