Visiting Fellowship in Digital Palaeography 2025–26

The Institute offers a non-stipendiary Visiting Research Fellowship in Digital Palaeography. Applications made by 1 May 2025 will be considered for Fellowships to begin at the start of the next academic year.
Fellowships are open to scholars without a permanent position, including independent scholars, from anywhere in the world. The Fellowships are held for a period of one to six months. In exceptional cases, applications for longer terms will be considered. BA and MA students are not eligible to apply.

Fellowship description
The Fellow will be offered a University of Göttingen institutional email account, membership of the university library, access to the library public study areas, and access to institutional equipment and events (including the Summer School in Digital Palaeography). The Fellow will be able to work with the extensive manuscript collections in Göttingen. Depending on the season, length and aims of their stay, and on space availability, the Fellow will also have opportunities to guest audit courses at the University of Göttingen in Digital Palaeography methods, including but not limited to multispectral imaging, programming, 3D technologies, and TEI-XML, as well as traditional palaeography or codicology.
Active engagement with the Institute (e.g. teaching, presentation in the winter seminar series, participation in discussion groups, collaborative research applications) is encouraged during the term of the Fellowship. At the end, Fellows will be asked to give a short report on Fellowship activities.

Selection process
Applications should be emailed to the selection committee and consist of a covering letter (no more than 2 pages), accompanied by a short CV (no more than 3 pages). Proof of full funding, together with full health and travel insurance and a German visa (if required) for the duration of the Fellowship, will be required before the successful candidate can take up the Fellowship.
Selection criteria:

• A well thought-out independent research project which benefits from a stay in Göttingen
• A demonstrated interest in and close fit with the research projects currently underway at the Institute for Digital Humanities

The successful Fellow will be invited to take up the Fellowship at the discretion of the selection committee. The committee’s decision is final and may not be appealed.

Selection Committee
Dr. Anna Dorofeeva
Prof. Dr. Martin Langner
Prof. Dr. Winfried Rudolf
Dr. Jeremy Thompson
Alexander Zawacki