International Workshop on Correlated Dynamics in Energy Conversion - IWCE 2023
The fundamental mechanisms underlying energy conversion in materials and molecules are the generation, transport, and transformation of excitations. These processes are determined by the interaction of excitations in the electron, spin and nuclear degrees of freedom. Until now, our understanding of excitation dynamics in materials is based on single particle descriptions, but these break down entirely for systems with strong correlations between the different degrees of freedom. At the same time, strongly correlated processes offer exceptional and unexpected new properties, so that a deeper understanding of their dynamics is a very promising direction to optimize energy conversion steps.
The aim of this interdisciplinary workshop is to identify and present some of the most fascinating examples of strongly correlated energy conversion steps. The dialectical and interactive format of the workshop will allow for comprehensive discussions in the following topical areas:
- Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer
- Photoinduced Molecular Dynamics
- Electron/ Phonon Coupling
- Hot Carriers/ Hot Polarons
- Correlation in Driven States at Interfaces
- Correlations in 2-D Materials
- Photoinduced Phase Transitions
Presentations from outstanding experimentalists and theorists in physics, chemistry, and materials science are planned and will include, invited and contributed oral and poster presentations.
We welcome your contribution to IWCE 2023 and promise you an exciting workshop, identifying and discussing new paradigms for energy conversion.
Looking forward to seeing you in Göttingen!
Christian Jooss, Sven Schneider
On behalf of the IWCE 2023 Scientific Committee:
Christian Jooss, Sven Schneider, Fabian Heidrich-Meisner, Stefan Mathias, Inke Siewert and Thomas Weitz
Presentations from outstanding experimentalists and theorists in physics, chemistry, and materials science are planned and will include, invited and contributed oral and poster presentations.
We welcome your contribution to IWCE 2023 and promise you an exciting workshop, identifying and discussing new paradigms for energy conversion.
Looking forward to seeing you in Göttingen!
Christian Jooss, Sven Schneider
On behalf of the IWCE 2023 Scientific Committee: Christian Jooss, Sven Schneider, Fabian Heidrich-Meisner, Stefan Mathias, Inke Siewert and Thomas Weitz
We welcome your contribution to IWCE 2023 and promise you an exciting workshop, identifying and discussing new paradigms for energy conversion.
Looking forward to seeing you in Göttingen!
Christian Jooss, Sven Schneider
On behalf of the IWCE 2023 Scientific Committee: Christian Jooss, Sven Schneider, Fabian Heidrich-Meisner, Stefan Mathias, Inke Siewert and Thomas Weitz