CRC 1073 Atomic scale control of energy conversion


Seminar Series Winter Semester 2024/ 2025

Please find the programme here

The CRC 1073 in the 3rd Funding Period (01.07.2021 - 30.06.2025)

The overarching goal of the CRC 1073 is to understand and control the elementary steps of energy conversion in materials with tunable excitations and interactions. Our studies focus on new materials systems and conversion routes that are highly promising for future applications in energy conversion and storage but are at an early stage of scientific discovery. Thus, the CRC is a knowledge-driven research initiative in the area of the physical and chemical sciences that contributes to the microscopic understanding of excitations, thermalization and conversion steps down to the atomic scale.

CRC Retreat 2025 - Winterschool in Riezlern

The final CRC Retreat took place from Febuary 23rd to 27th, 2025 at the Marburger Haus in Riezlern. The three-day program offered exciting talks on project progress, as well as lively poster sessions and team building social activities.

IRTG Workshop at DESY

The PhD students from the CRC spend three days at DESY in Hamburg. Many thanks to everybody who helped organizing the workshop and for giving our PhD students an exciting insight into the research at DESY. IRTG Workshop DESY 24 Gruppenbild

2nd International Workshop on Correlated Dynamics in Energy Conversion

Thanks to everybody who participated in making the 2nd International Workshop on Correlated Dynamics in Energy Conversion a success! We hope you had a pleasant and stimulating time for scientific exchange and discussion. more

Highlight Publications

The publications presented here prominently represent the overarching goal of the CRC 1073 which is to understand and control the elementary steps of energy conversion in materials with tunable excitations and interactions: