About us
IMAGINE is a Thematic Network within the European University alliance ENLIGHT. IMAGINE unites leading European research centers in migration, law and cultural studies:
- the International Public Law Centre (IPL) at the University of Bern
- the Centre for the Social Study of Migration and Refugees (CESSMIR) at the University of Ghent
- the Centre for Global Migration Studies (CeMig) at the University of Göttingen
- the Human Migration and Mobility Lab (HuMM) at the University of Groningen
- the Institute for Cultural Research (ICR) at the University of Tartu
Together and in exchange with non-university social partners, they aim to develop an agenda for future-oriented migration research and education in the midst of increasing social polarisation. The objective is to develop new analytical approaches and methods for research, teaching and knowledge transfer that will enable future knowledge production beyond the sole problematisation of migration, as is prevalent in the public and media debate.