Competence Centre Landscape Resilience

Competence Centre Landscape Resilience

Competence Centre Landscape Resilience

The competence centre aims to advance our understanding of landscape resilience and is funded by the Eva Mayr-Stihl Foundation from January 2025 to December 2030.

In times of climate change, forestry and agricultural land use in Germany face enormous challenges in order to ensure the long-term provision of forestry and agricultural products and ecosystem services. In order to develop strategies for adapting land use in this way, we need to understand what makes land use and entire landscapes resilient to climate change. The competence centre consists of a junior research group and an innovation pool fostering interdiscplinary research.


The Kick-Off Event of the Competence Centre Landscape Resilience takes place on May 22, 2025. Save the date! See here for programme and registration.

Junior Research Group

Since February 2025, Dr. Birgitta Putzenlechner is the new junior research group leader. Her working group is located at Buesgenweg 1 next to the CBL coordination offices.

For more information on the competence centre please contact Prof. Alexander Knohl from the Bioclimatology Group.