Graduates of our research group
Postdoc 2016
PhD 2015 with Prof. U. Diederichsen
current position: Rao IIT Academy
PhD students

PhD 2016
current position: Postdoc at EMBL Grenoble

PhD 2015

PhD 2015
current position: Postdoc at Scripps Research Institute,
with Prof. G. Joyce

PhD 2015
current position: in Krakow, Poland

PhD 2014
current position: at B. Braun AG Melsungen

PhD 2013
current position: Assistant Professor of Biotechnology,
University of Isfahan, Iran

PhD 2012
current position: Postdoc at MRC Cambridge,
with Prof. Phil Holliger
Simons Foundation postdoctoral fellow
Aaron Siewert M.Sc. 2016 |
(Farbod) Mohamad Ghaem Maghami M.Sc. 2016 |
Navaneethan Palanisamy M.Sc. 2014 |
Sandra Lange M.Sc. 2013 |
Johannes Hellwig M.Sc. 2012 |
Tim Rieseberg B.Sc. 2016 |
Kristin Sprenger B.Sc. 2015 |
Tobias Schmidt B.Sc. 2015 |