Postdoc Researcher

Anggi Hapsari is a tropical wetland ecologist at the Albrecht-von-Haller Institute. Her research focuses on tropical coastal peatlands and mangroves, exploring their ecosystem dynamics, drivers of change, their response to perturbations and ecosystems interconnectivity. In her research, she employs field- and laboratory-based observation and experiment, including palaeoecological analysis using multiple proxies. More recently, she focuses on blue and teal carbon research, estimating ecosystems capacity for their storage and sequestration, understanding their recoverability, manageability, and vulnerability, and assessing their carbon provenance thus potential for double accounting. She had coordinated and participated in research projects in Indonesia, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, and Germany.
She has strong interests in science communication and wetland management and policy. She took part in teaching and supervise multiple students from various background and academic stages. She is also passionate about breaking the gender barrier the in male-dominated field of wetland research.