Section for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture and Forestry (SeTSAF)
International DAAD Alumniseminar "Agroforestry systems - a compromise between economy and ecology", Costa Rica, March 2017
In cooperation with the Universidad de Costa Rica and CATIE, CBL organized an international seminar in the framework of the Alumninetwork-theme "Climate change and biodiversity in Latin America"
Opening Ceremony of the Masterprogram Tropical Forestry at VNUF
The newly established international Master program Tropical Forestry celebrated the official start of the first semester with an Opening ceremony at VNUF in the framework of the DAAD-program Developing a South East Asia International Master Program in Tropical Forestry
mehr…International DAAD Alumniseminar "Climate Change and Biodiversity in Latin America", Talca, Chile, October 2016
Participants of the ReCall-Alumniseminar Climate change and biodiversity in Latin America: How to meet the challenges of agriculture and food security?