In the Media - 2023
Dec 7, 2023: Uni Göttingen bekommt einen 60 Millionen-Neubau für die Forschung
Report by the local Newspaper "Hessisch-Niedersächsische Allgemeine" about the start of construction for the new research building Human Cognition and BehaviorLink
Dec 6, 2023: Uni Göttingen: 60 Millionen Euro für ein neues Psychologie-Forschungszentrum
Report by the local Newspaper "Göttinger Tageblatt" about the start of construction for the new research building Human Cognition and BehaviorLink
Nov 30, 2023: Wie neuronale Netze lernen
Interview with Viola Priesemann for the Göttingen Campuspost BlogLink
Nov 26, 2023: Europäischer Forschungsrat fördert Göttinger Wissenschaftler mit zwei Millionen Euro
Report by the local Newspaper "Göttinger Tageblatt" about the ERC Consolidator grant awarded to SFB PI Caspar SchwiedrzikLink
Nov 24, 2023: Wer trickst wie in der Natur? In der Göttinger Kinder-Uni kriegen sie es raus
Report by the local Newspaper "Göttinger Tageblatt" about the kids university in Göttingen, which includes a contribution by SFB members Peter and Dajie MarschikLink
Nov 11, 2023: Neugier und Reine Mathematik: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft fördert Graduiertenkollegs an der Uni Göttingen
Report by the local Newspaper "Göttinger Tageblatt" about the DFG decision to fund the Research Training Group "Curiosity". Even though focussing on a different scientific topic, close links to the SFB exist because most PIs of the RTG are also members of the SFB: speaker Nivedita Mani, Alexander Ecker, Oliver Schülke, Julia Ostner, Anne Schacht, Fabian Sinz, Florentin Wörgötter, Julia Fischer, Claudia Fichtel, Caspar Schwiedrzik, Viola Priesemann, Hannes Rakoczy and Michael WibralLink
June 29, 2023: Das Phenomobil – Forschung an Kleinkindern
Radio feature about the mobile lab of Peter Marschik (PI, project C03); aired on Deutschlandfunk Kultur a slightly different version was broadcasted by the Bayerische Rundfunk (not longer available online)June 26, 2023: Decoding brain signals: decision-making, movement planning and neuroprosthetics
Interview with SFB speaker Alexander Gail for the podcast “Neuroscience and Beyond”;Link
May 15, 2023: Macaca mulatta. Macaques and their personalities
Interview with Zurna Ahmed (PhD student, project C05) for the podcast “How Animals’ Brain Works”;Link
April 25, 2023: Mobiles Forschungslabor: Das Phenomobile der Uni Göttingen
News report about the newly established mobile lab “Phenomobile” in the lab of Peter Marschik (project C03); LinkApril 6, 2023: Ich will schneller reagieren.
Interview with SFB PI Hans Scherberger (project B02) for the MDR podcast “Meine Challenge”;Link
March 22, 2023: Forscher finden heraus: Affen koordinieren gegensätzliche Interessen, um ihre Gewinne zu maximieren
Report in the local newspaper „Göttinger Tageblatt” covering the publication “Human and macaque pairs employ different coordination strategies in a transparent decision game” by Sebastian Moeller, Anton M Unakafov, Julia Fischer, Alexander Gail, Stefan Treue, Igor Kagan (2023) in eLife 12:e81641Link

Prof. Alexander Gail
Sensorimotor Neuroscience & Neuroprosthetics
University of Göttingen & German Primate Center Göttingen
Kellnerweg 4,
37077 Göttingen
Tel.: +49-551-3851-358 ContactDr. Christian Schloegl
Kellnerweg 4,
37077 Göttingen
Tel.: +49-551-3851-480