In the Media - 2025
Mar 3, 2025: Frauen in der Wissenschaft: Hürden, Chancen und Perspektiven
Inga Michelbrink from the Stadtradio Göttingen joined the second part of our panel discussion series "Interaktion neu denken - Wege zu einer vielfältigeren Wissenschaftskultur" on Gender Equality. After the discussion, she spoke with our panellist Andrea Löther and our scientific coordinator Christian Schloegl. A recording can be found on the Website of the Stadtradio GöttingenFeb 8, 2025: Radio 1 - die Profis: Lernen erfordert einen Umbau im Gehirn
Alexander Gail spoke with the Radio 1 program "Die Profis" about his research about neuroprosthethics and his recent publication "Sensorimotor environment but not task rule reconfigures population dynamics in rhesus monkey posterior parietal cortex" in Nature Communications. Alex explains the learning processes that are necessary to be able to control a neuroprosthesis correctly. A recording can be found in the ARD Mediathek as part of a longer podcast titled "Naturschutzmaßnahmen zeigen Wirkung". The interview with Alex starts at 19:10.Jan 24, 2025: Stadtradio Göttingen covers the start of panel discussion series "Interaktion neu Denken"
The local radio station "Stadtradio Göttingen" attended the start of our panel discussion series with the topic on neurodiversity. The event was included in a longer report about local support measures for people with ADHD. The story is online on the Stadtradio Göttingen Website.Jan 20, 2025: Prof. Anne Schacht - Lehren und Lachen: Ein Spagat?"
The Campusradio Göttingen interviewed SFB PI Anne Schacht about her involvement in the Chalk Talk lecture series at the Forum Wissen, the relvance and quality of science communication. A transcript of the interview and a link to the podcast can be found on the Campusradio Website.

Prof. Alexander Gail
Sensorimotor Neuroscience & Neuroprosthetics
University of Göttingen & German Primate Center Göttingen
Kellnerweg 4,
37077 Göttingen
Tel.: +49-551-3851-358 Contact
Scientific Coordinator:
Dr. Christian Schloegl
Kellnerweg 4,
37077 Göttingen
Tel.: +49-551-3851-480