Foto von Kai Zhang Prof. Dr. Kai Zhang
Principal investigator Rm.1.117 (BG 4)
Tel.: +49 551 39 24505
ORCID: 0000-0002-5783-946X
Administrative Staff
KirstenRattelmueller_kleinKirsten Rattelmüller
Secretary, Rm. 1.116 (BG 4)
Tel.: +49 551 39 24039

Group Leaders & Project Leaders
Markus E. PD Dr. Markus Euring
Senior scientist, Rm. -1.104 (BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23323
ORCID: 0000-0001-5016-1740
Philip Biehl Dr. Philip Biehl
Rm. 4.141(BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 26767
ORCID: 0000-0002-0048-8021

Senior Scientists & PostDocs
Person_X 60px Dr. Franz Robert Gleuwitz
Postdoctoral Fellow, Rm. 4.141 (BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 26767
YING GUAN Dr. Ying Guan
Visiting Scholar 2024-25, Rm. 1.114 (BG 4)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23335
ORCID: 0009-0004-8604-0165
Redelf Kraft-zh Dr. Redelf Kraft
Rm. 1.164 (BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23339
240426763_366569811743629_4091847324989492415_n Dr. Jade Poisson
Alexander v Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow Rm. 4.142 (BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23507
ORCID: 0000-0002-9942-3542
Fang__Fang_klein Dr. Fangfang Tan
Rm. 4.142 (BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23507
Qiong_Wu Dr. Qiong Wu
Visiting scholar 2024-25, Rm 1.114 (BG 4)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23335

PhD candidates
Arne _1 Arne Beulshausen
PhD candidate, Rm. -1.103 (BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23321
aldo__ (1) Aldo Cardenas Oscanoa
PhD candidate, Rm. -1.105 (BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23920
ORCID: 0000-0003-3093-8414
Shaohuang_klein Shaohuang Chen
Visiting PhD candidate 2023-2025, Rm. 4.139(BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23378
ORCID: 0000-0002-5274-9190
Person_X 60px Arturo Espinosa-Duque
Visiting PhD candidate 24-2025, Rm. 4.141(BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 26767

ORCID: 0000-0001-6361-4358
FanJingJing Fan
Visiting PhD candidate 2023-2025, Rm.1.115 (BG 4)
Tel.: +49 551 39 28216
ORCID: 0000-0001-5178-4165
Thilo_klein Thilo Habert
PhD candidate, Rm. -1.103 (BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23321
Paula Köhn Paula Köhn
PhD candidate, Rm. -1.108 (BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23398
Inka_klein Inka Kretschmann
PhD candidate, Rm. -1.107 (BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23336
Zhen Lang Zhen Lang
PhD candidate 2022, Rm.1.115(BG 4)
Tel.: +49 551 39 28216
ORCID: 0000-0002-5743-856X
chengli Cheng Li
PhD candidate 2021, Rm. 4.142(BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23507
ORCID: 0000-0002-5425-6533
FenLi Fen Li
PhD candidate 2021, Rm.4.142 (BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23507
ORCID: 0000-0002-8647-6557
SiyuanLiu Siyuan Liu
PhD candidate 2020, Rm. 1.115(BG 4)
Tel.: +49 551 39 28216
ORCID: 0000-0002-8382-4253
GuoLu Guo Lu
Visiting PhD candidate 2024, Rm. 4.106 (BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23378
ORCID: 0009-0007-2636-6931
Xintong.Meng Xintong Meng
PhD candidate 2021, Rm. 4.106 (BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23378
ORCID: 0000-0002-8627-0962
Caro_klein Carolin Pertsch
PhD candidate, Rm. -1.102 (BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23419
Miri_Klein Miriam Siedenburg
PhD candidate, Rm. -1.102 (BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23419
QunSong Qun Song
PhD candidate 2020, Rm. 4.106 (BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23378
ORCID: 0000-0002-7409-8237
Lawrence_Klein Jean Lawrence Tene Tayo
PhD candidate, Rm. -1.105 (BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23920
zengbin wangZengbin Wang
PhD candidate 2021, Rm. 4.106 (BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23378
ORCID: 0000-0001-6464-7311
Wu Wei1_2Wu Wei
PhD candidate 2024, Rm. 4.106 (BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23378
ORCID: 0000-0003-0830-0289
Tun_Hui_WuTun-Hui Wu
PhD candidate 2024, Rm. 4.106 (BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23378
ORCID: 0009-0001-0846-2504
Yanxiao_Yang Yanxiao Yang
PhD candidate 2024, Rm. 4.106 (BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23378
ORCID: 0009-0008-9492-463X
XinYang Xin Yang
Visiting PhD candidate 2024, Rm. 4.139 (BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23378
ORCID: 0009-0000-2418-8640
yifei zhan Yifei Zhan
PhD candidate 2021, Rm. 1.115 (BG 4)
Tel.: +49 551 39 28216
ORCID: 0000-0003-4279-880X
Yong Zheng Yong Zheng
PhD candidate 2025, Rm. 4.106 (BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23378
QiZhu Qi Zhu
Visiting PhD candidate 2024, Rm. 4.139 (BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23378
ORCID: 0009-0001-4969-4555
Chuwen Zou Chuwen Zou
Visiting PhD candidate 2025, Rm. 4.139 (BG 2)
Tel.: +49 551 39 23378
ORCID: 0009-0005-3311-8229

Thore Thore Froböse
Tel.: +49 551 39 23515
Frank_klein Frank Gemmeke
Tel.: +49 551 39 28232
Person_X 60px Jennifer Krüger
Tel.: +49 551 39 23509

Master & Bachelor Students
Person_X 60px Yvonne Morsumé
Bachelor student 2024-25


Scientific Staff
chenyang Chenyang Cai
Visiting PhD candidate 2021-22
Now: Asso. Professor@Nanjing Forestry University
ORCID: 0000-0002-3685-0475
lizhen Dr. Lizhen Chen
PostDoc 2022-24
ORCID: 0000-0002-3229-626X
wenbochen Dr. Wenbo Chen
PhD candidate 2019-2023
Asso. Researcher 2023-24
Now: University of British Columbia
ORCID: 0000-0002-2446-2352
Pascal Fuchs Dr. Pascal Fuchs
PhD 2016-2020
Now: Industry
XiweiGuo Xiwei Guo
Visiting PhD candidate 2023-24
Now: Wuhan Textile University
ORCID: 0000-0001-8319-8152
Photo of Bei He Bei He
Visiting PhD candidate 2021-23
Now: Assi. Prof.@Shaanxi Normal University
ORCID: 0000-0002-0559-2223
Caoxing Dr. Caoxing Huang
Alexander v Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow 2022-23
Now: Professor@Nanjing Forestry University
ORCID: 0000-0001-5266-7278
HeqinDr. Heqin Huang
PhD 2015-19
Now: Umicore

ID photo-Hwei Wei Huang
Visiting PhD candidate 2023-2024
Now: Assi. Prof.@Shenyang University of Technology
ORCID: 0009-0007-7674-8479
Person_X 60pxDr. Maijia Liao
Visiting scholar 2016/17
Now: Assis. Prof.@Northeast University (US)
ORCID: 0000-0003-4396-8831
HuanLiuDr. Huan Liu
PhD 2016-20
Assoc. Researcher 2020-21
Now: Professor@Jiangsu University
ORCID: 0000-0001-5725-750X
Peiwen Liu Dr. Peiwen Liu
PhD 2016-20
Project Leader 2020-21
Now: Professor@Huazhong Agricultural University
ORCID: 0000-0003-2398-8798
Liu,Tian Tian Liu
Visiting PhD candidate 2023-24

ORCID: 0009-0007-8567-3608
weiliu Wei Liu
Visiting PhD candidate 2021-23

ORCID: 0000-0003-1931-9401
liuyushan Yushan Liu
Visiting PhD candidate 2020-21
Now: Assi. Professor@Shaanxi University of Science and Technology
ORCID: 0000-0002-0543-9843
Person_X 60pxYi Tung Lu
Visiting PhD candidate 2019
Now: University of Manchester
Person_X 60px Mohammad Hassan Mazaherifar
Erasmus Visiting PhD candidate 2024
Now: Transilvania University of Brasov
Ruhuai Mei Dr. Ruhuai Mei
PostDoc 2021-23
Now: Max Planck Institute Nat
ORCID: 0000-0001-7866-231X
Person_X 60pxDr. Yadanar Oo
External PhD Candidate

Junjie Pan Junjie Pan
Visiting PhD candidate 2022-23

ORCID: 0000-0002-2222-5660
BoPang Dr. Bo Pang
PhD 2016-2020
Assoc. Researcher 2021-22
Now: AP@National University Singapore
Person_X 60pxProf. Xinwen Peng
Visiting scholar
Jiangxi Normal University
Now: Professor@Jiangxi Normal University
houjuanqi Houjuan Qi
Visiting PhD candidate 2019-21
Now: Asso. Professor@Northeast Forestry University
StefanieDr. Stefanie Rühlicke
PhD 2016-2020
Now: Industry
Christian SchöpperDr. Christian Schöpper
Now: Dept. Research, Uni Göttingen

nansheng Nan Sheng
Visiting PhD candidate 2021-22
Now: Shanghai Shipbuilding Technology Research Institute
ORCID: 0000-0002-1862-3164
sandip1 Dr. Sandip Singh
PostDoc 2021-22
Now: University of Kansas
bjsun Bianjing Sun
Visiting PhD candidate 2020-21
Now: Nanjing Uni of Science & Technology
ORCID: 0000-0003-4106-074X
JiaxiuWangDr. Jiaxiu Wang
PhD 2016-2020
Project Leader 2020-21
Now: Asso. Professor@Anhui University
ORCID: 0000-0003-1070-2527
ShuangWangDr. Shuang Wang
PhD 2016-2020
Assoc. Researcher 2020-21
Now: Shanghai Tumor Hospital
ORCID: 0000-0003-2610-4169
Xiaojie WangDr. Xiaojie Wang
PhD 2017-2020
Now: KNT Kinlita Shanghai
Person_X 60pxProf. Xiaoxu Wang
Visiting scholar
Beijing Forestry University
Now: Professor@Beijing Forestry University
Foto von YG WangDr. Yonggui Wang
PhD&Project leader 2015-17
Now: Professor@Northeast Forestry University
ORCID: 0000-0002-5135-1367
yexiongYe Xiong
Visiting PhD candidate 2020-21
Now: Asso. Professor@Zhejiang A & F University
ORCID: 0000-0003-3535-512X
danxu Dr. Dan Xu
PhD candidate 2019-2024
Asso. Researcher 2024
Now: Kyoto University
ORCID: 0000-0001-5858-7535
tyDr. Ting Yang
PhD candidate 2019-2024
Now: Dongguan University of Technology
ORCID: 0000-0001-5178-4165
yangyDr. Yang Yang
Project Leader 2019-2020
Now: Asso. Professor@Shaanxi University of Science and Technology
YawenYaoDr. Yawen Yao
PhD 2016-2020
Now: Sichuan University
ORCID: 0000-0003-3989-1843
Yu Yin Yu Yin
Visiting PhD candidate 2023-2025

ORCID: 0000-0002-1111-3874
KuiDr. Kui Zeng
PhD candidate 2018-2022
PostDoc & Asso. Researcher 2022
Now: University of Wisconsin–Madison
ORCID: 0000-0002-7901-2738
HuaDr. Hua Zhang
PhD candidate 2018-22
Now: Asso. Professor@Jiangxi Normal University
ORCID: 0000-0001-7413-3699
Minghao Zhang Minghao Zhang
Visiting PhD candidate 2021-22
Now: Shanghai Institute of Technology
ORCID: 0000-0002-3366-0465
zhuying Ying Zhu
Visiting PhD candidate 2022-2024
Now: Assi. Professor@Central South University of Forestry and Technology
ORCID: 0000-0001-9760-6188
Master/Bachelor Students
Person_X 60px Yiyang Chai
Internship Master student 2024-25

Master student 2020-21

Person_X 60pxWenbo Ma
Master student 2019

Person_X 60pxSaleh Musa
Master student 2018

Person_X 60pxChenchen Wu
Master student 2021

Person_X 60px Ruonan Xu
Internship Master student 2024
Fal. Chemistry, Uni Gö

Person_X 60pxChi Zhang
Internship Master student
Uni Strassburg 2016

Person_X 60pxZhong Zheng
Master student 2021