Programm am Mittwoch, 24. März 2021

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9:00 - 9:15 Uhr GRUSSWORTE

Marina Meixner, Vorstand AG Institute für Bienenforschung e.V.
Torsten Ellmann, Präsident des Deutschen Imkerbunds
Catrin Westphal, Georg-August-Universtität Göttingen


Prof. Dr. Sara Leonhardt, Technische Universität München
A matter of taste? - Does the nutritional quality of floral resources play a role for bee health and performance?

Drei PARALLELE SESSIONS vor der Mittagspause

mit 12+3min Vorträgen und Blitzvorträgen für 3min
von 10:15 - 14:35 Uhr in Zoomraum 1

Moderatorin: Catrin Westphal, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen


Ina Heidinger: Perennial wildflower mixtures providing energy for humans and flower visiting insects

Johanna Lill: The bees are buzzing in the air: Is the bioenergy crop Sorghum bicolor an attractive pollen source for honeybees (Apis mellifera L.)?

Nicole Beyer: Past and present mass-flowering crop cultiva-tion effects on bee pollinators and their pollination services

Margaux Tréguy: Landscape and crop identity effects on trap nesting bees

Felix Klaus: Vergleich von Blühmischungen für Wild- und Honigbienen in der Agrarlandschaft

Samuel Boff: Chronicle exposure to a new classe of pesticide may imposes severe risks to foragers of wild bees

Carmen Kirsch: The effects of fertilization, arbuscular mycorrhiza-fungi (AMF), and pollination in strawberries (Fragaria ananassa)

Henri Greil: Zur Situation von Wildbienen in urbanen Räumen am Beispiel des Forschungsmodellprojekts „Bienenstadt Braunschweig“

Monika Weber: Impact of different anthropogenic land use and impervious surface on urban wild bee communities

Vera Joedecke & Manuel Treder: Practical approaches to pro-mote pollinator diversity in urban areas by using perennials

Melanie Marquardt: Occurrence of wild bees in the city of Stuttgart and ornamental plants as a potential food source

Siede: Insektenfreundliche Bioenergieerzeugung auf dem Acker: Mischanbau von Sorghumhirsen mit blühenden Untersaaten
Rongstock: Floral resources in urban and agricultural environments – Influences on the nest-growth of Bombus terrestris
Grauberger: Attractivity of native and non-native Acer and Tilia species for bees
Loidolt: Silver linden trees and bumblebee mortality

von 10:15 - 13:15 Uhr in Zoomraum 2

Moderatorin: Marina Meixner, LLH Bieneninstitut Kirchhain


Ivelina Ivanova: Use of Apis mellifera drone’s olfactory sensitivity towards pathological odours as a selection trait in the breeding against Varroa destructor

Martin Gabel: Mechanisms of Varroa-resistance – from biological principles to practical usage

Manuel Du: Challenges in heritability estimations for honey bees

Birgit Gessler: SETBie: Innovative combination of classical breeding, genetic analysis and evaluation in the practice

Richard Bernstein: Validating Genomic Selection for Honey Bees

Andreas Hoppe: Substantial genetic progress in the international Apis mellifera carnica population since the implementation of genetic evaluation

Victoria Viert: Europe’s First Gene Bank for Honeybees

Jakob Wegener: Delayed flight-time as an alternative method of controlled honeybee mating

Marina Doris Meixner: A comparative study of survival, colony performance and disease levels in the endemic honeybee A. m. ruttneri and the introduced A. m. ligustica in Malta

Teweldemedh Hailu: Insights into Ethiopian honey bees based on morphometric and genetic analyses

Degirmenci: Investigation of two honeybee sugar receptors with CRIPSR/Cas9

von 10:15 - 12:15 Uhr in Zoomraum 3

Moderatorin: Elke Genersch, Länderinstitut für Bienenkunde Hohen Neuendorf


Hannes Beims: Abundanz verschiedener Viren in der Königinnenzucht

Viktoria Walther: Prevalence of viruses in black honey bee colonies on the Canary Islands with or without a conservation programme

Anja Tehel: Experimental infection reveal viral spill-over from honey bees to bumble bees but no spill-back

Carolin Rein: Happy hive – happy life: state of knowledge about Lithium Chloride
Lina Sprau: Varroa sensitive hygiene (VSH) and recapping behaviour are not triggered by the reproduction status of the Varroa mite (Varroa destructor)

Fleites-Ayil: Presence of RNA viruses in Africanized honey bees and a native stingless bee species of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
Blumenschein: Comparison of different varroa treatments in summer and winter
Genath: Ergebnisse einer Proteomanalyse des Ektoparasiten Varroa destructor nach einer Ameisensäurebehandlung
Grünke: A new method for the extraction of hemolymph from adult honeybees to analyze lithium contaminations after Varroa treat-ment
Ehrenberg: Looking for a needle in a haystack – production, selec-tion and characterization of specific monoclonal antibodies for detection and distinction of American and European foulbrood
Schäfer: Molecular diagnostic test for detection of Malpighamoeba mellificae PRELL

Zwei PARALLELE SESSIONS nach der Mittagspause

Fortsetzung von Session 1 bis 14:35
von 14:45 - 18:00 Uhr in Zoomraum 1

Moderator: Jens Pistorius, Julius Kühn Institut


Alina Komm: The current status of the Apis mellifera subspecies in their native range

Harmen Pieter Hendriksma: Honigbienenvitalitätsmonitoring in Raum und Zeit

Norman Tanner: Improved method for routine honey analysis by FTIR-spectroscopy

Anna Wernecke: The potential of adjuvants to increase insecticidial effects on honey bees in laboratory contact toxicity tests

Charlotte Steinigeweg: Assessment of the impacts of microbial plant protection products containing Bacillus thuringiensis on the gut microbiome and the survival of honeybees

Denise Castle: Nutritional conditions modulate responses of different bee species to exposure of plant protection products

Abdulrahim Alkassab: Large scale study comparing the exposure level of honeybees, bumblebees and solitary bees after application of a tank mixture of thiacloprid-prochloraz

Silke Andree-Labsch: The Digital Beehive project – using sensor data to understand side effects of plant protection products on honey bees

Höcherl: Bee Warned – the monitoring system for exotic bee pests in Bavaria – what´s next?
Schierling: Contaminants in bee pollen – is that still healthy?
Friedle: Pesticide Residues in Bee Pollen from Baden-Wuerttemberg
Kunz: Bienenschutz: Risikobewertung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln
Eckert: Comparative exposure of honey bee brood (Apis mellifera L.) to pesticides under semi-field and field conditions
Schierling: Risk to honeybee colonies during control of the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) with Mimic®?
Odemer: Chronic high glyphosate exposure delays individual worker bee development under field conditions
Manzer: Effects of multiple stressors on honeybees
Treder: Effects of chronic radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMF) on honey bees

von 14:15 - 17:05 Uhr in Zoomraum 2

Moderator: Bernd Grünewald, Goethe Universität Frankfurt/Main


Martin Ziron: Verhaltensuntersuchungen zur Häufigkeit und Dauer des Ausfliegens der Bienenkönigin zum Begattungsflug

Paul Siefert: Live imaging of Apis mellifera embryogenesis - Investigating the role of acetylcholine in honey bee development

Anika Meyer: Effect of tergal gland esters on honey bee worker fertility

Gina Retschnig: The dose makes the poison: supplementary feeding with probiotics/vitamins and longevity/body weight of winter honey bees, Apis mellifera

Wolfgang Blenau: AmOctα2R: Charakterisierung eines Honigbienen-Octopamin-Rezeptors, der die Adenylatzyklase-Aktivität hemmt

Svenja Bänsch: Honey bee foraging behavior during and after mass-flowering in agricultural landscapes

Anna Friedel: Do intruders modify the foraging behaviour of the socially polymorphic orchid bee Euglossa viridissima?

Victoria Seeburger: Understanding the Influence of the Environment on the Formation of Melezitose

Thais Chaves: Differences in the feeding preference of summer and winter bees toward nectar and honeydew

Eduard Musin: Olfactometer for honeybee drones in a flight-like scenario

Rodríguez: Nutritional conditions modulate responses of different bee species to exposure of plant protection products
Senger: Anomalieerkennung auf Grundlage von Sensordaten