Publikationen 2004-2010

Becker Th, Becker U (2010) Successful transplantation of a hart s tongue fern population (Asplenium scolopendrium L.) with ten years of monitoring. Tuexenia : Mitteilungen d. Floristisch-Soziologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft, 30: 47-58.

Becker Th (2010) Explaining rarity of the dry grassland perennial Astragalus exscapus. FOLIA GEOBOT, 45: 303-321.

Becker U, Becker Th (2010) Einfluss der Umwelt und Landnutzung auf artenreiche Wiesen und Weiden im nordwestdeutschen Mittelgebirgsraum. Tuexenia : Mitteilungen d. Floristisch-Soziologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft, 30: 169-208.

Berg CC, Homeier J (2010) Three new species of South American Moraceae. BLUMEA, 55: 196-200.

Bodner F, Brehm G, Homeier J, Strutzenberger P, Fiedler K (2010) Caterpillars and host plant records of 59 species of Geometridae (Lepidoptera) from a montane rainforest in southern Ecuador. Journal of Insect Science 10:67 available online:

Bogner C, Gaul D, Kolb A, Schmiedinger I, Huwe B (2010) Investigating flow mechanisms in a forest soil by mixed-effects modelling. EUR J SOIL SCI, 61: 1079-90.

Bruelheide H, Vonlanthen B, Jandt U, Thomas F, Foetzki A, Gries D, Wang G, Zhang X, Runge M (2010) Life on the edge - To which degree does phreatic water sustain vegetation in the periphery of the Taklamakan Desert? Appl Veg Sci, 13: 56-71.

Culmsee H, Leuschner Ch, Moser G, Pitopang R (2010) Forest aboveground biomass along an elevational transect in Sulawesi, Indonesia, and the role of Fagaceae in tropical montane rain forests. Journal of Biogeography, 37: 960-974.

Dulamsuren C, Hauck M, Khishigjargal M, Leuschner HH, Leuschner Ch (2010) Diverging climate trends in Mongolian taiga forests influence growth and regeneration of Larix sibirica. OECOLOGIA, 163: 1091-1102.

Dulamsuren Ch, Hauck M, Leuschner Ch. (2010) Recent drought stress leads to growth reductions in Larix sibirica in the western Khentey, Mongolia. Global Change Biology, 16 (11): 3024-3035.

Dulamsuren C, Hauck M, Leuschner HH, Leuschner Ch (2010) Gypsy moth-induced growth decline of Larix sibirica in a forest-steppe ecotone. Dendrochronologia, 28: 207-213.

Ellenberg H, Leuschner Ch (2010) Vegetation Mitteleuropas mit den Alpen. Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart, Seiten: 1334.

Graefe S, Hertel D, Leuschner Ch. (2010) N, P and K limitation of fine root growth along an elevation transect in tropical mountain forests. Acta Oecologica 36: 537-542.

Hauck M (2010) The fate of arctic-alpine lichens under rising temperatures and changed land use in Lower Saxony, northern Germany. Bibliotheca Lichenologica, 104: 155-160.

Hauck M (2010) Ammonium and nitrate tolerance in lichens. ENVIRON POLLUT, 158: 1127-1133.

Hauck M, de Bruyn U (2010) Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der Flechten in Niedersachsen und Bremen. 2. Fassung, Stand 2010. Informationsdienst Naturschutz Niedersachsen, 30: 1-84.

Hauck M, Wirth V (2010) New combinations in Bacidina. Herzogia : Zeitschrift der Bryologisch-Lichenologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mitteleuropa, 23: 15-17.

Hauck M, Wirth V (2010) Preference of lichens for shady habitats is correlated with intolerance to high nitrogen levels. LICHENOLOGIST, 42: 475-484.

Hauck M, Jürgens SR, Leuschner Ch (2010) Norstictic acid: correlations between its physico-chemical characteristics and ecological preferences of lichens producing this depsidones. ENVIRON EXP BOT, 68: 309-313.

Hauck M, Jürgens SR, Leuschner Ch (2010) Effect of amino acid moieties on metal binding in pulvinic acid derivatives and ecological implications for lichens producing these compounds. BRYOLOGIST, 113: 1-7.

Hensen I, Kilian C, Wagner V, Durka W, Pusch J, Wesche K (2010) Low genetic variability and strong differentiation among isolated populations of the rare steppe grass Stipa capillata L. in central Europe. Plant Biology, 12(3): 526-536.

Hertel D, Köhler L. (2010) Are tree roots in the canopy ecologically important? A critical reassessment from a case study in a tropical montane forest. Plant Ecology and Diversity, 3(2): 141-150.

Hertel D, Leuschner Ch (2010) Fine root mass and fine root production in tropical moist forests as dependent on soil, climate and elevation. Chapter 47 in: Bruijnzeel, L.A., Scatena, F.N. & Hamilton, L.S. (Eds.): Tropical montane cloud forests: Science for conservation and management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 428-444.

Hölscher D, Köhler L, Kappelle M, Leuschner Ch (2010) Ecology and water use of old-growth and recovering montane oak forest in the Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica. in: Bruijnzeel, L.A., Scatena, F.N. & Hamilton, L.S. (Eds.): Tropical montane cloud forests: Science for conservation and management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 610-617.

Homeier J, Breckle SW, Günter S, Rollenbeck RT, Leuschner Ch (2010) Tree diversity, forest structure and productivity along altitudinal and topographical gradients in a species-rich Ecuadorian montane tropical rain forest. BIOTROPICA, 42(2): 140-148.

Homeier J, Englert F, Leuschner Ch, Weigelt P, Unger M (2010) Factors controlling the abundance of lianas along an altitudinal transect of tropical forests in Ecuador. FOREST ECOL MANAG, 259: 1399-1405.

Jacob M, Leuschner Ch, Thomas FM (2010) Productivity of temperate broad-leaved forest stands differing in tree species diversity. ANN FOREST SCI, 67: 503.

Jacob M, Viedenz K, Polle A, Thomas FM (2010) Leaf litter decomposition in temperate deciduous forest stands with a decreasing fraction of beech (Fagus sylvatica). Oecologia, 164:1083?1094.

Johnsson J, Jacob M (2010) Monitoring the effects of air pollution on forest condition in Europe: is crown defoliation an adequate indicator? iForest: Biogeosciences and Forestry, 3: 86-88.

Köckemann B, Buschmann H, Leuschner Ch (2010) Sind mitteleuropäische Baumarten am östlichen Arealrand stärker gestresst als im Verbreitungszentrum? Mitteilungen der Deutschen Dendrologischen Gesellschaft, 95: 87-96.

Köhler L, Hölscher D, Bruijnzeel LA, Leuschner Ch (2010) Epiphyte biomass in Costa Rican old-growth and secondary montane rain forests and their hydrological significance. In: Bruijnzeel, L.A., Scatena, F.N. & Hamilton, L.S. (Eds.): Tropical montane cloud forests: Science for conservation and management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 268-274.

Leuschner, Ch. (2010) Mitteleuropäische Wälder und der prognostizierte Klimawandel - Fakten und Thesen zur Situation der Buche. Berichte der Reinh.-Tüxen-Ges. Band 22, 96-106.

Meier IC, Leuschner Ch (2010) Variation of soil and biomass carbon pools in beech forests across a precipitation gradient. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOL, 16: 1035-1045.

Meyer St, Wesche K, Leuschner Ch, van Elsen T, Metzner J (2010) A new conservation strategy for arable weed vegetation in Germany the project "100 fields for biodiversity". Plant Breeding and Seed Science, 61: 25-34.

Meyer St, Wesche K, Metzner J, van Elsen T, Leuschner Ch (2010) Are current agri-environment schemes suitable for long-term conservation of arable plants? A short review of different conservation strategies from Germany and brief remarks on the new project 100 fields for diversity. Aspect Appl Biol, 100: 287-294.

Meyer St, Hoch A (2010) A new locality of Groenlandia densa (L.) FOURR. (Potamogetonaceae) in the surroundings of the southern Harz Mountains (Central Germany). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie B 111: 185.

Meyer St, Wesche K, Leuschner Ch, van Elsen T, Metzner J (2010) Schutzbemühungen für die Segetalflora in Deutschland Das Projekt 100 Äcker für die Vielfalt. In: Bundesamt für Naturschutz (Hg.) Treffpunkt Biologische Vielfalt IX - BFN-Skripten 265. Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn, 59-64.

Moser G, Leuschner C, Hertel D, Hölscher D, Köhler M, Leitner D, Michalzik B, Prihastanti E, Tjitrosemito S, Schwendenmann L (2010) Response of cocoa trees (Theobroma cacao) to a 13-month desiccation period in Sulawesi, Indonesia. AGROFOREST SYST, 79: 171-187.

Moser G, Leuschner Ch, Röderstein M, Graefe S, Soethe N, Hertel D (2010) Biomass and productivity of fine and coarse roots in five tropical mountain forests stands along an altitudinal transect in southern Ecuador. Plant Ecology and Diversity 3(2): 151-164.

Oesker M, Homeier J, Dalitz H & Bruijnzeel SA (2010) Spatial heterogeneity of canopy throughfall quantity and quality in a tropical montane forest in South Ecuador. Chapter 43 in: Bruijnzeel S, Scatena LA & Hamilton LS (eds.): Tropical montane cloud forests. Science for Conservation and Management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 393-401.

Schmidt-Lebuhn A N, Fuchs J, Hertel D, Hirsch H, Toivonen J, Kessler M (2010) An Andean radiation: Polyploidy in the tree genus Polylepis (Rosaceae, Sanguisorbeae). Plant Biology, 12: 917-926.

Schwendenmann L, Veldkamp E, Moser G, Hölscher D, Köhler M, Clough Y, Anas I, Djajakirana G, Erasmi S, Hertel D, Leitner D, Leuschner Ch, Michalzik B, Propastin P, Tjoa A, Tscharntke T, van Straaten O (2010) Effects of an experimental drought on the functioning of a cacao agroforestry system, Sulawesi, Indonesia. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOL, 16: 1515-1530.

Shelef O, Lazarovitch N, Rewald B, Golan-Goldhirsh A, Rachmilevitch S (2010) Root halotropism: Salinity effects on Bassia indica root. PLANT BIOSYST, 144(2): 471-478.

Sutcliffe LME, Larkham KS (2010) High Nature Value grassland assessment in Transylvania: management, monitoring and indicator species. Aspect Appl Biol , 100: 43-50.

Thoms C, Gattinger A, Jacob M, Thomas FM, Gleixner G (2010) Direct and indirect effects of tree diversity drive soil microbial diversity in temperate deciduous forest. SOIL BIOL BIOCHEM, 9: 1558-1565.

Tscharntke T, Leuschner Ch, Veldkamp E, Faust H, Guhardja E, Bidin A (2010) Tropical Rainforests and Agroforests under Global Change. Ecological and Socio-economic Valuations. Springer Verlag.

Tscharntke T, Leuschner Ch, Veldkamp E, Faust H, Guhardja E, Bidin A (2010) Tropical rainforests and agroforests under global change: Ecological and socio-economic valuations. - An introduction. In: Tscharntke T, Leuschner C, Veldkamp E, Faust H, Guhardja E, Bidin A (Hg.) Tropical Rainforests and Agroforests under Global Change. Ecological and Socio-economic Valuations. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1-11.

Unger M, Leuschner Ch, Homeier J (2010) Variability of indices of macronutrient availability in soils at different spatial scales along an elevation transect in tropical moist forests (NE Ecuador). Plant and Soil 336: 443-458.

Wullaert H, Homeier J, Valarezo C, Wilcke W (2010) Response of the N and P cycles of an old-growth montane forest in Ecuador to experimental low-level N and P amendments. Forest Ecology and Management, 260: 1434-1445.

Zach A, Horna V, Leuschner Ch (2010) Diverging temperature response of tree stem CO2 release under dry and wet season conditions in a tropical montane moist forest. TREES-STRUCT FUNCT, 24: 285-296.

Zach A, Horna V, Leuschner Ch, Zimmermann R (2010) Patterns of wood carbon dioxide efflux across a 2,000-m elevation transect in an Andean moist forest. OECOLOGIA, 162: 127-137.

Zach A, Schuldt B, Brix S, Horna V, Culmsee H, Leuschner Ch (2010) Vessel diameter and xylem hydraulic conductivity increase in tropical rainforest trees in Sulawesi, Indonesia. FLORA, 205: 506-512.

Zach A, Schuldt B, Horna V, Tjitrosemito S, Leuschner Ch (2010) The hydraulic performance of tropical rainforest trees in their perhumid environment - is there evidence for drought vulnerability? In: Tscharntke, Teja; Leuschner, Christoph; Veldkamp, Edzo; Faust, Heiko; Guhardja, Edi; Bidin, Arifuddin (Hg.) Tropical Rainforests and Agroforests under Global Change. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 391-410.



Dislich C, Günter S, Homeier J, Schröder B, Huth A (2009) Simulating forest dynamics of a tropical montane forest in South Ecuador. ERDKUNDE, 63(4): 347-364.

Dulamsuren C, Hauck M, Bader M, Osokhjargal D, Oyungerel S, Nyambayar S, Leuschner Ch (2009) The different strategies of Pinus sylvestris and Larix sibirica to deal with summer drought in a northern Mongolian forest-steppe ecotone suggest a future superiority of pine in a warming climate. CAN J FOREST RES, 39: 2520-2528.

Dulamsuren C, Hauck M, Bader M, Osokhjargal D, Oyungerel S, Nyambayar S, Runge M, Leuschner Ch (2009) Water relations and photosynthetic performance in Larix sibirica growing in the forest-steppe ecotone of northern Mongolia. Tree Physiol 29: 99-110.

Dulamsuren Ch, Hauck M, Nyambayar S, Bader M, Osokhjargal D, Oyungerel Sh, Leuschner Ch (2009) Performance of Siberian elm (Ulmus pumila) on steppe slopes of the northern Mongolian mountain taiga: Drought stress and herbivory on mature trees. Environmental and Experimental Botany 66: 18-24.

Dulamsuren Ch, Hauck M, Nyambayar S, Leuschner Ch. Establishment of Ulmus pumila seedlings on steppe slopes of the northern Mongolian mountain taiga. Acta Oecologica 35: 563-572.

Fries A, Rollenbeck R, Nauß T, Göttlicher D, Nauss T, Homeier J, Peters T, Bendix J (2009) Thermal structure of a megadiverse Andean mountain ecosystem in southern Ecuador and its regionalization. ERDKUNDE, 63(4): 321-335.

Fühner C, Runge M (2009) Are Fe and P availabilities involved in determining the occurrence and distribution of Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull in semi-arid grasslands on calcareous soils? Plant and Soil 316: 161-176.

Gaul D, Hertel, D, Leuschner Ch (2009) Estimating fine root longevity in a temperate Norway spruce forest using three independent methods. Functional Plant Biology 36: 11-19.

Gebauer T, Horna V, Leuschner Ch, Köcher P (2009) Leaf water status and stem xylem flux in relation to soil drought in five temperate broad-leaved tree species with contrasting water use strategies. Annals of Forest Science 66 (1): 101 (p11).

Göttlicher D, Obregon A, Homeier J, Rollenbeck R, Nauss T, Bendix J (2009) Land-cover classification in the Andes of southern Ecuador using Landsat ETM+ data as a basis for SVAT modelling. International Journal of Remote Sensing 30(8): 1867-1886.

Guckland A, Jacob M, Flessa H, Thomas FM, Leuschner Ch. (2009) Acidity, nutrient stocks and organic-matter content in soils of a temperate deciduous forest with different abundance of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 172: 500-511.

Hauck M (2009) Flechten und Schadstoffe. Rundgespräche der Kommission für Ökologie 36: 83-92.

Hauck M, Paul A, Leuschner Ch (2009) Element uptake in thalli of the lichen Physcia caesia from sandstone and calcareous substratum. J PLANT NUTR SOIL SC, 172: 839-842.

Hauck M, De Bruyn U, Wirth V, Sparrius L, Thüs H, Preussing M (2009) New or interesting records of lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi from Lower Saxony, Germany. Herzogia 22: 109-116.

Hauck M, Javkhlan S (2009) Epiphytic lichen diversity and its dependence on bark chemistry in the northern Mongolian dark taiga. Flora 204: 278-288.

Hauck M, Jürgens SR, Huneck S, Leuschner Ch (2009) High acidity tolerance in lichens with fumarprotocetraric, perlatolic or thamnolic acids is correlated with low pKa1 values of these lichen substances. Environmental Pollution 157: 2776-2780.

Hauck M, Jürgens S-R, Willenbruch K, Huneck S, Leuschner Ch (2009) Dissociation and metal-binding characteristics of yellow lichen substances suggest a relationship with site preferences of lichens. Annals of Botany 103: 13-22.

Hauck M, Willenbruch K, Leuschner Ch (2009) Lichen substances prevent lichens from nutrient deficiency. Journal of Chemical Ecology 35: 71-73.

Hertel D, Harteveld M, Leuschner Ch (2009) Conversion of a tropical forest into agroforest alters the fine root-related carbon flux to the soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41(3): 481-490.

Hertel D, Moser G, Culmsee H, Erasmi S, Horna V, Schuldt B, Leuschner Ch (2009) Below- and above-ground biomass and net primary production in a paleotropical natural forest (Sulawesi, Indonesia) as compared to neotropical forests. FOREST ECOL MANAG, 258 (2009): 1904-1912.

Jacob M, Weland N, Leuschner Ch, Schaefer M, Thomas FM (2009) Nutrient release from decomposing leaf litter of temperate deciduous forest trees along a gradient of increasing tree species diversity. SOIL BIOL BIOCHEM, 41: 2122-2130.

Köckemann B, Buschmann H, Leuschner Ch (2009) The relationship between abundance, range size and niche breadth in Central European tree species. Journal of Biogeography 36: 854-864.

Kratochwil A, Stroh M, Dittrich S, Remy D (2009) Binnendünen-Restitution im Auengebiet der Hase (Niedersachsen) - eine Bilanz nach 7 Jahren. In: Finck, P., Riecken, U. und Schröder, E. (Hg.) Offenlandmanagement außerhalb landwirtschaftlicher Nutzflächen. Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Münster. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 73: 93-107.

Lendzion J, Leuschner Ch (2009) Temperate forest herbs are adapted to high air humidity - Evidence from growth cabinet and humidity manipulation experiments in the field. CAN J FOREST RES, 39: 2332-2342.

Leuschner Ch, Lendzion J (2009) Air humidity, soil moisture and soil chemical factors as determinants of the herb layer composition in beech forests. J VEG SCI, 20: 288-298.

Leuschner Ch (2009) Die Trockenheitsempfindlichkeit der Rotbuche vor dem Hintergrund des prognostizierten Klimawandels. In: Jahrbuch der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 2008. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin: 281-296.

Leuschner Ch, Harteveld M, Hertel D (2009) Consequences of increasing forest use intensity for biomass, morphology and growth of fine roots in a tropical moist forest on Sulawesi, Indonesia. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 129 (4): 474-481.

Leuschner Ch, Jungkunst HF, Fleck S (2009) Functional role of forest diversity: Pros and cons of synthetic stands and across-site comparisons in established forests. Basic ans Applied Ecology 10: 1-9.

Leuschner Ch, Köckemann B, Buschmann H. 2009. Abundance, niche breadth, and niche preferences of Central European tree species in the centre and at the margin of their distribution range. Forest Ecology and Management 258(7): 1248-1259.

Leuschner Ch, Voss S, Foetzki A, Meier IC (2009) In welcher Beziehung stehen geschätzter Blattverlust und tatsächliche Blattflächenreduktion bei der Buche? Forstarchiv : forstwissenschaftliche Fachzeitschrift, 80: 229-235.

Meinen C, Hertel D, Leuschner Ch (2009) Biomass and morphology of fine roots in temperate broad-leaved forests differing in tree species diversity: is there evidence of below-ground overyielding? Oecologia 161: 99-111.

Meinen C, Hertel D, Leuschner Ch (2009) Root growth and recovery in temperate broad-leaved forest stands differing in tree species diversity. ECOSYSTEMS, 12(7): 1103- 1116.

Meinen C, Leuschner Ch, Ryan NT, Hertel D (2009) No evidence of spatial root system segregation and elevated ne root biomass in multi-species temperate broad-leaved forests. Trees 23(5): 941-950.

Mölder A, Bernhardt-Römermann M, Leuschner Ch, Schmidt W. (2009) Zur Bedeutung der Winterlinde (Tilia cordata Mill.) in mittel- und nordwestdeutschen Eichen-Hainbuchen-Wäldern. Tuexenia 29: 9 - 23.

Paul A, Hauck M, Leuschner Ch (2009) Iron and phosphate uptake in epiphytic and saxicolous lichens differing in their pH requirements. Environmental and Experimental Botany 67: 133-138.

Paul A, Hauck M, Leuschner Ch (2009) Iron and phosphate uptake explains the calcifuge-calcicole behavior of the terricolous lichens Cladonia furcata subsp. furcata and C. rangiformi. Plant and Soil 319: 49-56.

Rewald B, Leuschner Ch (2009) Belowground competition in a broad-leaved temperate mixed forest: pattern analysis and experiments in a four-species stand. European Journal of Forest Research 128: 387-398.

Rewald B, Leuschner Ch (2009) Does root competition asymmetry increase with water availability? Plant Ecol Divers 2 (3): 255-264.

Rose L, Leuschner Ch, Köckemann B, Buschmann H (2009) Are marginal beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) provenances a source for drought tolerant ecotypes? European Journal of Forest Research 128: 335-343.

Schiebold S, Hensen I, Wesche K, Röser M (2009) Extensive clonality of the endemic Calamagrostis pseudopurpurea ex O.R. Heine in central Germany revealed by RAPD markers. Plant Biology 11: 473-482.

Schmidt I, Leuschner Ch, Mölder A, Schmidt W (2009) Structure and composition of the seed bank in monospecific and tree species-rich temperate broad-leaved forests. Forest Ecology and Management 257: 695?702.

Seidel D, Fleck S, Leuschner Ch (2009) Simulation of hemispherical photographs in the canopy of tree diversity cluster. In: Silvilaser Conference 2009 (Hg.) Proceedings. Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, ISBN 978-1-61623-997-8, 1-10.

Seltmann P, Hensen I, Renison D, Ploch S, Dueñas J R, Cocucci A, Wesche K (2009) Biparental inbreeding depression, genetic relatedness and progeny vigour in a wind-pollinated treeline species in Argentina. Plant Ecology, 205(1): 155-164.

von Wehrden H, Hanspach J, Bruelheide H, Wesche K. 2009. Pluralism and diversity - trends in the use and application of ordination methods 1990-2007. Journal of Vegetation Science 20(4): 695-705.

von Wehrden H, Wesche K, Miehe G (2009) Plant communities of the southern Mongolian Gobi. Phytocoenologia 39: 331-376.

von Wehrden H, Zimmermann H, Hanspach J, Ronnenberg K, Wesche K (2009) Predictive Mapping of Plant Species and Communities Using GIS and Landsat Data in a Southern Mongolian Mountain Range. Folia Geobotanica, 44(3): 211-225.

Wesche K, Krause B, Culmsee H, Leuschner Ch (2009) Veränderungen in der Flächen-Ausdehnung und Artenzusammensetzung des Feuchtgrünlandes in Norddeutschland seit den 1950er Jahren. Berichte der Reinhold-Tüxen-Gesellschaft, 21: 196-210.

Wesche K, Ronnenberg K (2009) Effects of NPK-fertilisation in arid southern Mongolian steppes. Plant Ecology 207(1): 93-105.

Wirth V, Hauck M, De Bruyn U, Schiefelbein U, John V, Otte V (2009) Flechten aus Deutschland mit Verbreitungsschwerpunkt im Wald. Herzogia 22: 79-107.



Bläß C, Ronnenberg K, Hensen I, Wesche K (2008) Grazing impact on seed production in southern Mongolia. Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences 6: 3-9.

Bräuning A, Homeier J, Beck E, Günter S (2008) Growth dynamics of trees in tropical mountain ecosystems. In: Beck E, Bendix J, Kottke I, Makeschin F, Mosandl R (eds.) Gradients in a tropical mountain ecosystem of Ecuador. Springer, Berlin, 291-302.

Brehm G, Homeier J, Fiedler K, Kottke I, Illig J, Nöske NM, Werner FA, Breckle SW (2008) Mountain rain forests in Southern Ecuador - limited knowledge and diverging patterns. In: Beck E, Bendix J, Kottke I, Makeschin F, Mosandl R (eds.) Gradients in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of Ecuador. Springer, Berlin, 15-23.

Cierjacks A, Salgado S, Wesche K, Hensen I (2008) Post-fire population dynamics of two tree species in high-altitude Polylepis (Rosaceae) forests of central Ecuador. Biotropica 40: 176-182.

Dulamsuren Ch, Hauck M (2008) Spatial and seasonal variation of climate on steppe slopes of the northern Mongolian mountain taiga. Grassland Science 54: 217-230.

Dulamsuren Ch, Hauck M, Mühlenberg M (2008) Insect and small mammal herbivores limit tree establishment in northern Mongolian steppe. Plant Ecology 195: 143-156.

Esfeld K, Hensen I, Wesche K, Jakob SS, Tischew S, Blattner FR (2008) Molecular data indicate multiple independent colonizations of former lignite mining areas in Eastern Germany by Epipactis palustris (Orchidaceae). Biodiversity and Conservation 17: 2441-2453.

Fleck S (2008) Die Entstehung hochdiverser urwaldähnlicher Laubwälder im Nationalpark Hainich als Folge einer standörtlich beschleunigten Lückendynamik. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 60: 121-126.

Gansert D, Blossfeld S (2008) The application of novel optical sensors (optodes) in experimental plant ecology. In: Lüttge U, Beyschlag W, Murata J (eds.) Progress in Botany 69 (4). Springer, Berlin, 333-358.

Gaul D, Hertel D, Borken W, Matzner E, Leuschner Ch (2008) Effects of experimental drought on the fine root system of mature Norway spruce. Forest Ecology and Management. 256: 1151-1159.

Gaul D, Hertel D, Leuschner Ch (2008) Effects of experimental soil frost on the fine-root system of mature Norway spruce. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 171: 690-698.

Gebauer T, Horna V, Leuschner Ch (2008) Variability in radial sap flux density patterns and sapwood area among seven co-occurring temperate broad-leaved tree species. Tree Physiology 28: 1821-1830.

Gradstein SR, Homeier J, Gansert D (eds.) The tropical mountain forest - patterns and processes in a biodiversity hotspot. Göttingen Centre for Biodiversity and Ecology. Biodiversity and Ecology Series 2, Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 217 pp.

Gradstein SR, Kessler M, Lehnert M, Abiy M, Homeier J, Mandl N, Makeschin F, Richter M (2008) Vegetation, climate, and soil of the unique Purdiaea forest of southern Ecuador. Ecotropica 14:15-26.

Graefe S, Hertel D, Leuschner Ch (2008) Fine root dynamics along a 2,000-m elevation transect in South Ecuadorian mountain rainforests. Plant and Soil 313: 155-166

Graefe S, Hertel D, Leuschner Ch (2008) Estimating fine root turnover in tropical forests along an elevational transect using minirhizotrons. Biotropica 40(5): 536-542.

Hauck M (2008) Metal homeostasis in Hypogymnia physodes is controlled by lichen substances. Environmental Pollution 153: 304-308.

Hauck M (2008) Epiphytic lichens indicate recent increase in air pollution in the Mongolian capital Ulan Bator. Lichenologist 40: 165-168

Hauck M, Jürgens SR (2008) Usnic acid controls the acidity tolerance of lichens. Environmental Pollution 156: 115-122.

Hauck M (2008) Susceptibility to acidic precipitation contributes to the decline of the terricolous lichens Cetraria aculeata and C. islandica in central Europe. Environmental Pollution 152: 731-735.

Hauck M, Dulamsuren Ch, Heimes C (2008) Effects of a gypsy moth invasion on the performance of Larix sibirica in a forest-steppe ecotone of northern Mongolia. Environmental and Experimental Botany 62: 351-356.

Hauck M, Jürgens S-R, Brinkmann M, Herminghaus S (2008) Surface hydrophobicity causes SO2 tolerance in lichens. Annals of Botany 101: 531-539.

Hertel D, Leuschner Ch (2008) Konkurrenz zwischen Waldbäumen - Interaktionsmechanismen im Kronen- und Wurzelraum unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Buche. Schriftenreihe aus dem Nationalpark Harz 2: 23-28.

Hertel D, Therburg A, Villalba R (2008) Above- and below-ground response by Nothofagus pumilio to climatic conditions at the transition from the steppe-forest boundary to the alpine treeline in southern Patagonia, Argentina. Plant Ecology and Diversity 1(1): 21-33

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Moser G, Röderstein M, Soethe N, Hertel D, Leuschner Ch (2008) Altitudinal changes in stand structure and biomass allocation of tropical mountain forests in relation to microclimate and soil chemistry. In: Beck E, Bendix J, Kottke I, Makeschin F, Mosandl R (eds.) Gradients in a tropical mountain ecosystem of Ecuador. Ecological Studies Vol. 198. Springer, Berlin, 229-242.

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Leuschner Ch, Moser G, Bertsch C, Röderstein M, Hertel D (2007) Large altitudinal increase in tree root/shoot ratio in tropical mountain forests of Ecuador. Basic and Applied Ecology 8: 219-230.

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Moser G, Hertel D, Leuschner Ch (2007) Altitudinal change in LAI and stand leaf biomass in tropical montane forests: a transect study in Ecuador and a pan-tropical meta-analysis. Ecosystems 10: 924-935.

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Hertel D, Leuschner Ch (2006) The in situ root chamber: a novel tool for the experimental analysis of root competition in forest soils. Pedobiologia 50: 217-224.

Hölscher D, Leuschner Ch, Bohman K, Hagemeier M, Juhrbandt J, Tjitrosemito S (2006) Leaf gas exchange of trees in old-growth and young secondary forest stands in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Trees 20(3): 278-285.

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Köhler L, Hölscher D, Leuschner Ch (2006) Above-ground water and nutrient fluxes in three successional stages of Costa Rican montane oak forest with contrasting epiphyte abundance. In: Kappelle M (ed.) Ecology and conservation of neotropical montane oak forests. Springer, Berlin, 271-282.

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Leuschner Ch, Bohmann K, Kessler P, Pitopang R (2006) Influence of sampling strategy on the distinction between tropical pioneer and non-pioneer forest species. Ecotropica 12: 151-160.

Leuschner Ch, Meier IC, Hertel D (2006) On the niche breadth of Fagus sylvatica: soil nutrient status in 50 Central European beech stands on a broad range of bedrock types. Annals of Forest Science 63: 355-368.

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Leuschner Ch, Wiens M, Harteveld M, Hertel D, Tjitrosemito S (2006) Patterns of fine root mass and distribution along a disturbance gradient in a tropical montane forest, Central Sulawesi (Indonesia). Plant and Soil 283: 163-174.

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Wübbenhorst D, Leuschner Ch (2006) Vegetation structure at the breeding sites of the partridge (Perdix perdix L.) in Central Europe and its possible importance for population density. Polish Journal of Ecology 54: 57-67.



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Buschmann H, Edwards PJ, Dietz H (2005) Variation in growth pattern and response to slug damage among native and invasive provenances of four perennial Brassicaceae species. Journal of Ecology 93: 322-334.

Buschmann H, Keller M, Porret N, Dietz H, Edwards PJ (2005) The effect of slug grazing on vegetation development and plant species diversity in an experimental grassland. Functional Ecology 19: 291?298.

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Hölscher D, Koch O, Korn S, Leuschner Ch (2005) Sap flux of five co-ocurring tree species in a temperate broad-leaved forest during seasonal soil drought. Trees 19: 628-637.

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Homeier J, Dalitz H, Breckle SW (2005) Tree species composition and forest structure of the premontane rain forest in the Reserva Biológica Alberto Brenes, Costa Rica. In: Veste M, Wucherer W, Homeier J (Hg.) Ökologische Forschung im globalen Kontext. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. S.-W. Breckle. Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, 175-186.

Meier IC, Leuschner Ch, Hertel D (2005) Nutrient return with leaf litter fall in Fagus sylvatica forests across a soil fertility gradient. Plant Ecology 177: 99-112.

Röderstein M, Hertel D, Leuschner Ch (2005) Above- and below-ground litter production in three tropical mountain forests (South Ecuador). Journal of Tropical Ecology 21: 483-492.

Schipka F, Heimann J, Leuschner Ch (2005) Regional variation in canopy transpiration of Central European beech forests. Oecologia 143: 260-270.

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Aspelmeier S, Leuschner Ch (2004) Genotypic variation in drought response of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth): leaf water status and carbon gain. Tree Physiology 24: 517-528.

Bruelheide H, Jandt U (2004) Vegetation types in the Foreland of the Qira Oasis: Present Distribution and Changes during the last decades. In: Runge M, Zhang X (eds.) Ecophysiology and habitat requirements of perennial plant species in the Taklamakan desert. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 27-34.

Bruelheide H, Manegold M, Jandt U (2004) The genetical structure of Populus euphratica and Alhagi sparsifolia stands in the Taklimakan desert. In: Runge M, Zhang X (eds.) Ecophysiology and habitat requirements of perennial plant species in the Taklamakan desert. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 153-160.

Erfmeier A, Bruelheide H (2004) Comparison of native and invasive Rhododendron ponticum populations: 1. Growth, reproduction and morphology under field conditions. Flora 199: 120-132.

Foetzki A (2004) Transpiration and sap flow in Alhagi sparsifolia, Calligonum caput-medusae, Populus euphratica and Tamarix ramosissima. In: Runge M, Zhang X (eds.) Ecophysiology and habitat requirements of perennial plant species in the Taklamakan desert. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 67-74.

Gieger T, Leuschner Ch (2004) Altitudinal change in needle water relations of Pinus canariensis and possible evidence of a drought-induced alpine timberline on Mt. Teide, Tenerife. Flora 199: 100-109.

Gries D (2004) Biomass and Production of perennial Key species in the Taklimakan desert. In: Runge M, Zhang X (eds.) Ecophysiology and habitat requirements of perennial plant species in the Taklamakan desert. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 109-120.

Hertel D, Coners H, Muhs A, Schipka F, Strobel J (2004) Zur Trockenheitsgrenze der Buche in Mittel- und Ostdeutschland: Eine ökosystemare Transektstudie an unterschiedlich wasser- und nährstoffversorgten Buchen-Altbeständen. Berichte des Landesamts für Umweltschutz Sachsen-Anhalt Sonderheft 2/2004: 28-37.

Hölscher D, Leuschner Ch, Bohman K, Juhrbandt J, Tjitrosemito S (2004) Photosynthetic characteristics in relation to leaf traits in eight co-existing pioneer tree species in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Journal of Tropical Ecology 20: 157-164.

Juhrbandt J, Leuschner Ch, Hölscher D (2004) The relationship between maximal stomatal conductance and leaf traits in eight Southeast Asian early successional tree species. Forest Ecology and Management 202: 245-256.

Leuschner Ch (2004) Vegetation and ecosystems. In: van der Maarel E (Hg.) Vegetation Ecology. Blackwell Science, Oxford, 85-105.

Leuschner Ch (2004) Die Höhenstufen tropischer und subtropischer Inseln. In: Walter H, Breckle SW (eds.) Ökologie der Erde, Band 2 Spezielle Ökologie der Tropen und Subtropen. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, 158-164.

Leuschner Ch (2004) Die Arche Noah in Not - Die globale Biodiversitätskrise. VDL-Journal 53: 8-9.

Leuschner Ch, Schipka F (2004) Vorstudie Klimawandel und Naturschutz in Deutschland. BfN Skripten 115: 1-35.

Leuschner Ch, Coners H, Icke R (2004) In situ measurement of water absorption by fine roots of three temperate trees: species differences and differential activity of superficial and deep roots. Tree Physiology 24: 1359-1367.

Leuschner Ch, Hertel D, Schmid I, Koch O, Muhs A, Hölscher D (2004) Stand fine root biomass and fine root morphology in old-growth beech forests as a function of precepitation and soil fertility. Plant and Soil 258: 43-56.

Runge M (2004) Ecological basis for a sustainable management of the indigenous vegetation in a Central Asian desert: Conclusions derived from project results. In: Runge M, Zhang X (eds.) Ecophysiology and habitat requirements of perennial plant species in the Taklamakan desert. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 161-170.

Runge M, Arndt S, Bruelheide H, Foetzki A, Gries D, Thomas FM, Wang G, Zhang X (2004) Recommendations for regeneration and sustainable management of the indigenous foreland vegetation of a Taklamakan desert oasis. In: Breckle S, Schweizer B, Fangmeier A (Hg.) Results of worldwide ecological studies. Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium of the AFW Schimper Foundation, Hohenheim, 23.-25.10.2002. Heimbach, Stuttgart, 61-69.

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