1. Bücher

Eva Bahl (2021): Verflochtene Geschichten im postkolonialen Grenzraum. Biographien, Zugehörigkeiten und Erinnerungspraktiken in Ceuta und Melilla. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag

Arne Worm (2019): Fluchtmigration. Eine biographietheoretische und figurationssoziologische Studie zu lebensgeschichtlichen Verläufen von Geflüchteten aus Syrien. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag

2. Artikel

Bahl, Eva (2022): Räume, Diskurse, Verortungen – Perspektiven auf Stadtgeschichte und Zugehörigkeitskonstruktionen in Ceuta und Melilla. In: Johannes Becker, Gunter Weidenhaus, und Nicole Witte (Hrsg.), Biographie und Raum. S. 57–78, Göttinger Beiträge zur soziologischen Biographieforschung. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press. Doi: https://doi.org/10.17875/gup2022-1869

Efrat Ben-Ze’ev & Nir Gazit (2020): The Fickle Zone: Borderland and Borderlanders on the Egyptian-Israeli Front, Journal of Borderlands Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/08865655.2020.1847168

Rosenthal, Gabriele und Lukas Hofmann (2020): Zur Lebenssituation und Zukunftsperspektive von eritreischen Geflüchteten: Geflohen nach Israel – deportiert nach Ruanda/Uganda – gestrandet in Kampala. In: Eva Bahl und Johannes Becker (Hrsg.), Global Processes of Flight and Migration: The Explanatory Power of Case Studies. S. 41–61, Göttingen Series in Sociological Biographical Research. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press. https://doi.org/10.17875/gup2020-1313

Rosenthal, Gabriele und Nicole Witte (2020) ‚Quanti‘ und ‚Quali‘ – zwei unversöhnliche Lager oder sich ergänzende Perspektiven? Zur Relevanz des selten und des häufig auftretenden Falls für die Forschung. In: Anja Mays u. a. (Hrsg.), Grundlagen – Methoden – Anwendungen in den Sozialwissenschaften. Festschrift für Steffen-M. Kühnel. S. 197–210. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Nir Gazit (2019): Mitigated Securitization and Criminalization on the Israeli-Egyptian Borderland, Res Militaris 6.

Ben-Ze'ev, E. and A. Ben Dor. (2019). Divergence and Complementarity: The Struggle for Freedom of Lawyers and Asylum Seekers in Israel. Ma’asei Mishpat (Practical Law) (Hebrew).

Eva Bahl and Arne Worm (2018): Biographische und ethnographische Zugänge zu Wir- Bildern, Sie-Bildern und Handlungspraktiken in einer Organisation. Die spanische Polizeieinheit Guardia Civil in Ceuta und Melilla.In: Zeitschrift für Qualitative Forschung (ZQF), 1+2-2018.

Gabriele Rosenthal and Arne Worm (2018): "Soziologische Biographieforschung und Narrationsanalyse", in: Akemi, Leila / Bauer, Nina / Knoblauch, Hubert / Traue, Boris (eds.): Interpretativ Forschen. Weinheim: Beltz/Juventa.

Efrat Ben-Ze’ev and Nir Gazit (2017): Situational humanitarianism: Israeli soldiers and asylum seekers on the Egyptian-Israeli Border (Article in hebrew), in: Hagira – Israel Journal of Migration, Vol.7.

Arne Worm (2017): Verläufe der Fluchtmigration von Syrer*innen in die Europäische Union über Ceuta und Melilla. In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften (ÖZG), 2017/2.

Gabriele Rosenthal, Eva Bahl and Arne Worm (2017): "Prozessstrukturen illegalisierter Migration: Ein biographietheoretischer und figurationssoziologischer Zugang.", in: Lessenich, Stephan (eds.): Geschlossene Gesellschaften. Verhandlungen des 38. Kongresses der DGS in Bamberg 2016.

Eva Bahl (2017): Precarious Transnational Biographies: Moroccan Juveniles in the Spanish Enclaves Ceuta and Melilla. In: Rosenthal, Gabriele / Bogner, Artur (eds.): Biographies in the Global South. Frankfurt, New York: Campus.

Efrat Ben-Ze`ev and Nir Gazit (2017): "Juggling Logics on the Egyptian-Israeli Borderland: Soldiers between Securitization and Arbitrary Humanitarianism", in: Journal of Contemporary Ethnography.

Gabriele Rosenthal, Eva Bahl and Arne Worm (2017): Illegalized migration courses from the perspective of biographical research and figurational sociology: The land border between Spain and Morocco. In: Rosenthal, Gabriele / Bogner, Artur (eds.): Biographies in the Global South. Frankfurt, New York: Campus.

Arne Worm (2017): Civil War and the Figurations of Illegalized Migration: Biographies of Syrian migrants to the European Union. In: Rosenthal, Gabriele / Bogner, Artur (eds.): Biographies in the Global South. Frankfurt, New York: Campus.

Gabriele Rosenthal (2016): "Die Erforschung kollektiver und individueller Dynamik - Zu einer historisch und prozess-soziologisch orientierten Interpretativen Sozialforschung", in: Forum: Qualitative Social Research.

Gabriele Rosenthal, Eva Bahl and Arne Worm (2016): "Illegalisierte Migrationsverläufe aus biografietheoretischer und figurationssoziologischer Perspektive: die Landgrenze zwischen Spanien und Marokko", in: Forum: Qualitative Social Research.

Eva Bahl (2015): "We can earn lots of money in our country. It was never our plan to go to Europe." Geschichten von einer komplexen Grenze, in: movements. Journal für kritische Migrations- und Grenzregimeforschung

3. Vorträge


Arne Worm: Migration in the context of collective violence and social transformation: Life courses of Syrian refugees in Europe, Conference “Exile – Flight – Migration”, University of Goettingen, November 29th.

Eva Bahl: Precarious constructions of belonging of young Moroccans in the Moroccan-Spanish border zone - Between isolation, self-assertion and the rejection of stigmatizing ‘they-images’, Conference “Exile – Flight – Migration”, University of Goettingen, November 29th.

Gabriele Rosenthal & Lukas Hofmann: Eritreans – Escaped to Israel – Deported to Rwanda/Uganda, Conference “Exile – Flight – Migration”, University of Goettingen, November 28th.

Eva Bahl: Biographieforschung und Ethnographie bei der Erforschung von Erinnerungspraxen, Workshop on „Sociology of Memory and Socio-scientific Methods”, University of Erlangen, November 16th.

Eva Bahl: Ceuta y Melilla: del ‘cañonazo’ al ‘laboratorio de convivencia’ – reflexiones sobre una sociología de fronteras, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Área Salud y Población, University of Buenos Aires, November 5th.

Eva Bahl: Transnationale Biographien im marokkanisch-spanischen Grenzraum: Die Bedeutung historischer Kontextualisierung und der Analyse von Machtbalancen, 39th Congress of the German Sociological Association (DGS), University of Goettingen.

Eva Bahl: Vom Kanonenschuss zum Multi-Kulti-Labor - Grenzziehungen und Zugehörigkeiten in Ceuta und Melilla, 39th Congress of the German Sociological Association (DGS), University of Goettingen.

Eva Bahl and Arne Worm: Involved Outsiders – Reflections on the Combination of Ethnography, Biographical Research and Figurational Sociology, XIX World Congress of Sociology (ISA), Toronto, July 18th.

Eva Bahl: Perspectives on City History and Their Interdependency with Constructions of Belonging in Ceuta and Melilla, XIX World Congress of Sociology (ISA), Toronto, July 17th.

Arne Worm: The presence of (collective) violence, or: How do Syrian refugees reconstruct their biographies within the figurations of (illegalized) migration from a (civil-) war?, Conference "Biography and Violence" , University of Goettingen, February 9th.

Eva Bahl: The Construction of “the Other” in the Moroccan-Spanish Border Zone: Violence in the Life Stories of Moroccan Juveniles, Conference "Biography and Violence", University of Goettingen, February 9th.

Arne Worm: „I wasn’t born as a refugee“ – „Flüchtling sein“ aus der Perspektive von nach Europa geflüchteten Syrer*innen, Annual Conference of the Section "Biographical Research" of the German Sociological Association (DGS): Das Politische im Biographischen, University of Oldenburg, November 17th.

Eva Bahl: Die Guardia Civil und ihre Präsentation als „unpolitischer“ Akteur im Grenzraum von Ceuta und Melilla, Annual Conference of the Section "Biographical Research" of the German Sociological Association (DGS): Das Politische im Biographischen, University of Oldenburg, November 16th.

Gabriele Rosenthal: „Why biography matters. Migration out of poverty or flight from collective and individual violence”, University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt, November 15th.

Eva Bahl: „Alltag und Ethik an der Grenze - Reflexionen einer Forschung im marokkanisch- spanischen Grenzraum von Ceuta und Melilla“ , University of Applied Sciences Esslingen, October 10th.

Gabriele Rosenthal – presentations at the Universities of Rio, São Paulo, Recife and Porto Alegre, August/September.

Arne Worm (and Gabriele Rosenthal and Eva Bahl): “Studying Migration and Social Transformation with a Biographical-figurational Approach: Experiences from Two Research Projects”, Meeting of the Network for Global Migration Studies, University of Goettingen, June 26th.

Gabriele Rosenthal: "Migration out of poverty or flight from collective and individual violence? Biographic self-presentations of migrants and refugees from and in Africa", Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity Goettingen, January 19th.

Gabriele Rosenthal, Eva Bahl and Arne Worm: "Illegalisierte Migrationsverläufe aus biographietheoretischer und figurationssoziologischer Perspektive: Die Landgrenze zwischen Spanien und Marokko", 38th Congress of the German Sociological Association (DGS), University of Bamberg, September 30th.

Arne Worm: "Constructions of belonging as stigma and/or capital in transnational spaces. Biographies and courses of migration of Syrian refugees in the Spanish-Moroccan border region", 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology "The Futures we want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World", University of Vienna, July 14th.

Efrat Ben-Ze'ev, Habtom Mehari and Nir Gazit: "Borders and Bodies: Eritrean Asylum Seekers' Biographical Narratives of Their Journey of Escape", 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology "The Futures we want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World", University of Vienna, July 13th.

Eva Bahl and Arne Worm: "Border Figurations - Comparing different groupings with ethnographic and biographical research methods", 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology "The Futures we want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World", University of Vienna, July 10th.

Eva Bahl: "Outsiders in the Moroccan-Spanish Border Zone: Life Stories of Juveniles in Ceuta & Melilla", 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology "The Futures we want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World", University of Vienna, July 12th.

Nir Gazit: "Juggling Logics on the Egyptian-Israeli Borderland: Securitization, Humanitarianism, and Criminalization".
The African Borderlands Research Network (ABORNE) Workshop, Beuggen, April 15th.

Eva Bahl and Arne Worm: "Biographieforschung an der Grenze. Felderfahrungen in den spanischen Exklaven Ceuta und Melilla", Annual Conference of the Section "Biographical Research" of the German Sociological Association (DGS): Biographieforschung in postkolonialen Kontexten, University of Kassel, October 30th.

Gabriele Rosenthal: "Die Erforschung kollektiver und individueller Dynamik. Zu einer historisch, prozess-soziologisch orientierten interpretativen Sozialforschung", Lecture at the Berlin Meeting on Qualitative Research Methods, Free University of Berlin, July 17th.

Efrat Ben-Ze'ev: "Situational Humanitarianism on the Egyptian-Israeli Border", School of International Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University, Nishinomiya, Hyogo, July.

Gabriele Rosenthal: "Praktiken der biographischen Selbst- und Fremdthematisierung", Course of Lectures "Was entscheiden wir eigentlich? Praktiken praktisch erforschen", University of Göttingen, June 11th.

Efrat Ben-Ze'ev: "African Migrants, Security Measures and a New Fence: Soldiers - experiences on the Egyptian-Israeli border", Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Migration Policy Studies, Tokyo, May 31st.

Gabriele Rosenthal: "Why biography matters: Courses of Migration in the Context of Familial, Collective & Socio-Political Figurations", International Workshop "Irregular Migration in the Mediterranean", Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Truman Institute, March 12th.

Eva Bahl and Arne Worm: "Migration to the Spanish Exclaves (Ceuta/Melilla) - A Biographical and Figurational approach", International Workshop "Irregular Migration in the Mediterranean", Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Truman Institute, March 12th.

Efrat Ben-Ze'ev and Nir Gazit: "Dissolving logics on the Egyptian-Israel borderland: Humanitarianism, Securitization and criminalization", International Workshop "Irregular Migration in the Mediterranean", Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Truman Institute, March 12th.

Efrat Ben-Ze'ev: "Dissolving logics on the Egyptian-Israeli Borderland.", Seminar at the University of Malta, Valetta, February.

Eva Bahl, Efrat Ben-Ze'ev, Nir Gazit and Arne Worm: "Everyday Experiences and Presentations of Self and Other: Security Forces on the Borders of Southern Israel and Melilla, Spain", International Workshop "Borders at the Interface: Bordering Europe, Africa and the Middle East", Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, December 10th.

Efrat Ben-Ze'ev: "Juggling Identities: Israeli soldiers on the Egyptian Border", A workshop on Border Identities: Ethiopian Jews, African asylum seekers and foreign labor in Israel, Tel Aviv-Yafo College, Jaffa, October.

Efrat Ben-Ze'ev and Nir Gazit: "The Egyptian-Israeli Border: The lost dream of a Neo-frontier", World Conference of the Association of Borderland Studies, Joensuu and St. Petersburg, June 10th.

Efrat Ben-Ze'ev and Nir Gazit: "African migrants, security measures and a new fence: The Egyptian-Israeli border from the soldiers - point of view", Borders, Walls and Security, University of Quebec in association with the Association for Borderlands Studies, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October.

Efrat Ben-Ze'ev and Nir Gazit: "The Neo-Frontier on the Egyptian-Israeli Border", Annual Conference of the Israeli Anthropological Association, May.

Efrat Ben-Ze'ev and Nir Gazit: "An Ethnographic Exploration of the Israeli-Egyptian Border Zone: The Perspective of the Jewish Border Population", Relocating Borders, Second EastBordNet Conference, Humboldt University Berlin, January 11th.

4. Sonstiges

Research Report (July 2018) published in the Newsletter "Biography & Society" of the Research Committee 38 of the ISA

Poster exhibition (February 2018) "Changing Vistas of Europe. Refugees' Concepts of Europe Before and After Arrival", presented at the Conference "Biography and Violence", University of Goettingen, February 9th-10th.

Gabriele Rosenthal (2017) "Changing Vistas of Europe. Refugees' Concepts of Europe Before and After Arrival" – brochure which complements the seven portraits of refugees from West Africa and the Middle East presented in the exhibition "Changing Vistas of Europe".

Poster exhibition (November 2017) "Changing Vistas of Europe. Refugees' Concepts of Europe Before and After Arrival", presented at the University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt.

Poster exhibition (July 2017) "Changing Vistas of Europe. Refugees' Concepts of Europe Before and After Arrival", presented at the event "Research refugees" (University of Göttingen)

Poster exhibition (January 2017) "Changing Vistas of Europe. Refugees' Concepts of Europe Before and After Arrival", presented at the event "3. Nacht des Wissens in Göttingen" (University of Göttingen)

Poster exhibition (November 2016) "Changing Vistas of Europe. Refugees' Concepts of Europe Before and After Arrival", presented at the conference "Quo vadis Europa?" (University of Göttingen).

Efrat Ben-Ze'ev and Nir Gazit (2016) Encounters between Security Forces and African Migrants on the Egyptian-Israeli Border, long abstract, published in the School of International Studies Journal, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan.

Poster (November 2015) presented at the Conference "Migration-Frieden-Human Security", University of Göttingen.

Eva Bahl (October 2015) Research Report published on bordermonitoring.eu: "Impressions from Melilla"/ Eindrücke aus Melilla

Radio Program (September 2014): "Warum Staaten sich abschotten" by Christoph Gurk (BR Radio Wissen) - includes Interview with Eva Bahl

Research Report (August 2014) published in the Newsletter of the Section "Biographical Research" of the German Sociological Association (DGS)

Research Report (June 2014) published in the Newsletter "Biography & Society" of the Research Committee 38 of the ISA