General information about specific applications

Notes for the usage of Dynare under Matlab

  • Start Matlab R2020b
  • Home > Environment > Set Path
  • Select "Add Folder"
  • Add C:\dynare\4.4.3\matlab as a folder and save it
  • Confirm the error message due to insufficient administrator rights with okay
  • Confirm query with yes and then save pathdef.m

How to install dictionaries in LibreOffice 3.5

Tools => Extensions => Get more Extensions...

Click through the assistant and select the dictionaries you want to install.

Information: Only install dictionaries that you really need! Too many of them (about 10) can decrease the performance of LibreOffice 3.5.

Information about the Lecturnity-Player

The Lecturnity-Player is not available on the PCs of the type Optiplex FX160 (Waldweg), because it is not working properly.

Configuring SSHWin 3.2.3

These settings need to be done only once.

  • In "Edit / Settings" you need to set the following parameter:
  • In "Profile Settings / Keyboard" activate the last option ("Line Wrap")
  • In "Profile Settings / Tunneling" activate the option "TunnelX11 connections"

Furthermore the following settings are suggested:

  • In "Global Settings / Appearance" activate all three boxes and increase the default value of "Terminal Scrollback Size" to 5000-10000 symbols.
  • In "Global Settings / Appearance / Colors" change the value of "Selection" and "Cursor Color" to "Black". Then click on "OK" and save the settings via "File / Save Settings".

Configuring X-Win32-8.0

These settings need to be applied only once.

The questions of the Session-Wizard for the creation of a connection-profile need to be answered as follows:

  • X-Win Config: Click on "Eigene Sitzungen"(own session) and then on "Assistent"
  • Session name (e.g.) Login_GWDG
  • Session type: StarNetzSSH
  • Host of "Zielrechner"(target PC) (e.g.):
  • Data for authentification: Enter username and password, whereby entering a password depends on your need of security. It is not recommended to enter the password here.
  • 1. Command for target PC (recommended): gwdterm

After clicking on "Fertigstellen"(finish) the session is defined completely. At last a really important setting needs to be applied to the XServer:

  • Select the created session in the setting menu of the X-Win32 and click on the tab "Sicherheit"(Security)
  • In "Zugelassene Hostadressen"(allowed hosts) click on "Hinzufügen"(add) and enter the IP-address "". Then click on "Nur diese Hostadressen zulassen"(only accept this host)

A complete manual as .pdf file can be found here. The X-Windows session can be found in program folder "X-Win32 8.0". Start the program "X-Config" with a double click. In the taskbar a "X"-symbol indicates that the X-Server is active and waits for input. You can create additional sessions and change settings in the x-config program.


Word supports with its spell checker several languages. How to:

Open the menu "data" -> options -> submenu languages -> select language -> set as default language -> accept all alerts with ok.

Java Compiler

To be able to compile java programs on DOS level:

  • Start -> Java Program folder -> JDK prompt - Start
  • On first login a directory "Java" in drive P:\ must be created (mkdir java).


On first startup a configuration-assistant appears.

In Windows XP and Windows 7 the path to the executable Latex files must be entered:

  • Windows XP: C:\Program Files\MiKTeX\miktex\bin
  • Windows 7: C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX\miktex\bin

Latex ausführbare Dateien

In Windows 7 all upcoming prompts can be skipped by clicking on "Next", but for Windows XP the path to the DVI-Viewer needs to be assigned:

  • C:\Program Files\MiKTeX\miktex\bin\yap.exe

Latex DVI Viewer

Skip all upcoming information windows by clicking on "Next" and finally click on "Finish".