Economic, social and ecological factors – Funding by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Within the framework of a new research project, economic scientists from the University of Göttingen are developing a multidimensional evaluation procedure with which business can assess their innovation projects according to economic, ecological and social criteria. Aspects such as energy and resource efficiency also play a role. „Sustainability oriented evaluation of innovation projects” is located in the Chair of Management Accounting and Control as well as in the Chair of Economic Policy and SME Research. It is being funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research for a period of two years in the amount of almost 193.000 Euro from the programme „Innovation political field of action for the sustainable development”.

„Decisions about conducting innovation projects have so far often been based on the economic evaluation of chances and risks. In order to promote the sustainability of projects, however, social and ecological influencing factors must also systematically be considered”, according to Prof. Dr. Klaus Möller, research project director. The team of scientists surrounding Prof. Dr. Kilian Bizer, economist and graduate in business administration, aims to make the effects of these soft factors quantifiable and therefore calculable, to consolidate all criteria in one decision-making model and develop a guideline.

Experience from industrial partners whose exemplary products and services are evaluated will also flow into the research project. These include, for example, Festo AG & Co. KG, who only offers services for optimisation of the energy efficiency of production and automation machinery. In addition, cooperation is also taking place with Sartorius in Göttingen in the area of laboratory equipment.