View of the Oeconomicum. In the foreground, blooming pink cherry trees can be seen.


Our goal is to shape the future of marketing - with a particular focus on product choice, food marketing and discrete choice modeling. The central question is: How can we better understand consumer behavior in order to develop practical and well-founded recommendations for action for companies and political decision-makers? At the same time, we investigate the complex relationships between marketing impulses and consumer reactions in order to better understand and describe them in a targeted manner.

Through our teaching, we provide students with the skills to answer these questions in a well-founded manner. The chair is part of the “Konsum & Verhalten” research group founded by Prof. Dr. Kroeber-Riel. Our research findings are published in leading national and international journals. Get to know our team and find out about courses, theses, publications and much more.

Portrait photo of Yasemin Boztuğ. She wears a white shirt with a black blazer.

Prof. Dr. Yasemin Boztug


Get to know the team members of our chair.

  • Portrait photo of Silke Schwedhelm. She wears glasses and a black blouse.


    Silke Schwedhelm

  • Portrait photo of Stephen Youngjun Park. He is wearing a white shirt, black tie and a black jacket.


    Dr. Stephen Youngjun Park

  • Portrait photo of Helena Schirmacher. She is wearing a blue T-shirt with a white patterned blazer.


    Dr. Helena Schirmacher

  • Portrait photo of Ahmet Samet Ergün. He is wearing a black sweater.

    Research Associate

    Ahmet Samet Ergün

  • Portrait photo of Anne-Christelle Lago. She wears a white top and a black blazer.

    Research Associate

    Anne-Christelle Lago

  • Portrait photo of Chiara Pfeiffer. She wears a black top.

    Research Associate

    Chiara Pfeiffer

  • Portrait photo of Jasmin Werner. She wears a white top and a blue blazer.

    Research Associate

    Jasmin Werner

  • Portrait photo of Antonia Bruns. She wears a white top and a blue blouse.

    Research Associate

    Antonia Bruns

  • Portrait photo of Pjotr van Weert. He wears a black jumper.

    Research Associate

    Pjotr van Weert

  • Portrait photo of Jessica Ische. She wears a white blouse and a black blazer.

    External Research Associate

    Jessica Ische

  • Portrait photo of WeiLing Chu. She wears a white top.

    Student Assistant

    WeiLing Chu

  • Portrait photo of Anna Hanke. She wears a black top.

    Student Assistant

    Anna Hanke

  • Porträtfoto von Yasemin Boztuğ. Sie trägt ein weißes Hemd mit einem schwarzen Blazer.


    Prof. Dr. Yasemin Boztuğ

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Chair of Marketing and Consumer Behavior

Faculty of Business and Economics

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3


Secretary's Office in Room 1.220

37073 Göttingen

Tel.: 49 (0)551 / 39-27328

Fax: +49 (0)551 / 39-25849


Office hours: By appointment