Single Subject Bachelor
Structure of the Single Subject Bachelor at the Faculty of Humanities
The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree requires the completion of 180 credits. Identical to the two-subject Bachelor's degree, 132 credits are for the subject-specific sciences, i.e. the concrete subject-specific content of the subject. The respective examination and study regulations define how and through which modules*/courses these credits are acquired and whether elective options are available here. A further 36 credits are earned in the professionalisation area. The respective examination and study regulations regulate which options are available in this area. The remaining 12 credits are acquired through the Bachelor's thesis. The standard period of study amounts to six semesters.The Faculty of Humanities currently offers three single-subject Bachelor's degrees:
Here you will find an overview of the structure of the single-subject's degree programmes at our faculty:
*A glossary of relevant terms for studying, e.g. 'module', can be found here.