Press release: Promoting Variety: Göttingen’s Ideas Competition – an example of best practice

Nr. 15/2013 - 23.01.2013

Presentation to National Conference of Vice-Chancellors and Principals and the student services organisations

(pug) The Ideas Competition for students at the University of Göttingen has been chosen as a good example of the promotion of diversity in the student body. In Berlin today the student winners from 2012 and 2011 presented their concepts for the appreciation of diversity in studies, teaching and research to the National Conference of Vice-Chancellors and Principals and the student services organisations on the theme of “Strategies and Service Concepts for a Heterogeneous Student Body”. “The conference gives us the opportunity to promote ideas across regions,” says Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lücke, Vice-President of Student and Academic Services at the University of Göttingen and patron of the Ideas Competition. “We regard this as affirmation of the quality of our competition. It offers an outstanding forum for actively involving students in the continued development of teaching and studying.”

Last year around 50 suggestions were received for the Göttingen Ideas Competition with the theme of “Diversity? – Promoting Variety!” First place went to Till Amelung for his suggestion “Recording individuals’ need for accessible rooms using Stud.IP.” Second prize was shared by Eileen Lehmann and Philip Wilke for their idea “Specialist partner programme: studying with a child”, which is designed to promote communication between students with and without children. Christian Zigenhorn took third place for his ideas “Experiencing other cultures”. He suggests holding regular lectures and cultural events each relating to the country of origin of various students and staff, in order to promote intercultural communication. The presentation also looked at Judith Herath’s proposal from 2011, for a day of action to promote healthy living amongst students, which has already been successfully realised.

Contact details:
Meike Gottschlich
University of Göttingen
Student and Academic Services
Wilhelmsplatz 2, 37073 Göttingen
Telephone +49 (0)551 39 4414, Fax +49 (0)551 39 184414