Press release: Göttingen University supports projects to utilise and safeguard plant genetic resources

Nr. 88/2013 - 17.05.2013

Methodological improvement of organic plant breeding – funded by the Software – AG Foundation

(pug) A new Section has recently been established at Göttingen University's Faculty of Agricultural Sciences to focus on the development of high-quality plant varieties for organic agriculture and horticulture. The purpose of the Section "Genetic resources and organic plant breeding" is to develop on-farm breeding methods to address important topics, such as limited nutrient availability and field resistance against harmful fungi. In these aims, the Software AG – Foundation in Darmstadt, Germany will financially support Göttingen University for a total of six years. The Foundation will contribute € 540,000 to the Working Group with another € 90,000 coming from the University itself, along with internal funds from the Göttingen Division of Plant Breeding.

"We are cooperating with people along the entire value chain – breeders, seed producers, growers, consultants, wholesalers, retailers, and consumers – in order to reinforce the creative potential of plant breeding in society", spoke the Leader of the Section, Dr. Bernd Horneburg. "The expansion of organic agriculture has increased the demand for organic plant breeding; this is one reason that the training of budding scientists is one of our central missions." As early as 2003, the Göttingen Outdoor Tomato Project has been breeding hardy tomatoes with international partners. Investigations into the site-specific adaptation of lentil landraces and options for adapting soybeans to cool climates are currently ongoing.

Beyond that, the Section aims to support the development of freely accessible, open-pollinated varieties and efforts to safeguard plant genetic resources for future generations. "Securing nutritional quality, research transparency, funding by a non-profit institution and, not least, the sustainability of the project are all excellent reasons for the University to cooperate with the Foundation", says Professor Ulrike Beisiegel, President of Göttingen University. To this, Professor Horst Philipp Bauer of the Foundation's Board adds: "The Software AG – Foundation supports the dedicated work of biodynamic breeding initiatives in Central Europe. Against this backdrop, the Foundation deems the establishment of the Göttingen Section an important way to enrich these activities in terms of scientific qualification in theory and practice and for advancing research." One of the Foundation's key funding areas focuses on the preservation of plant and animal biodiversity.

Contact addresses:
Dr. Bernd Horneburg
Georg-August University of Göttingen
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Crop Sciences
Division of Plant Breeding
Section Genetic Resources and Organic Plant Breeding
Von-Siebold-Strasse 8, 37075 Göttingen
Phone +49(0)551 39-4360

Walter Hiller
Director of Communications
Software AG – Foundation
Am Eichwäldchen 6, 64297 Darmstadt
Phone +49(0)6151 91665 - 144