Press release: New lecture series on the future of academic information

Nr. 216/2014 - 19.09.2014

Professor Christine L. Borgman presents inaugural lecture at Göttingen University on October 2, 2014

(pug) "Big Data, Little Data, Open Data" is the title of a public lecture to be held on Thursday, October 2, 2014, at Göttingen University by Christine L. Borgman, Professor and Presidential Chair in Information Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). The Göttingen State and University Library (SUB) organises the lecture in cooperation with Göttingen eResearch Alliance (eRA). The lecture in English commences at 18:00 CET in the Historical Library Building at Papendiek 14. It will launch the "Göttingen Lectures on Academic Information Futures", a new lecture series organised by the SUB.

The modern academic landscape is changing at a rapid pace: Against the backdrop of digital progress and an increasingly networked scientific community, the volume of data generated by scientific and scholarly work is growing, as is demand to access to these data. The need to manage, access, and sustain large amounts of complex and heterogeneous data from all scientific disciplines requires new competencies for scholars, libraries, archives, and the academic enterprise. In her lecture, Professor Borgman addresses the diverse challenges associated with these activities, along with the role of libraries in this transformation.

Christine L. Borgman is Professor and Presidential Chair in Information Studies at UCLA. She has authored more than 200 publications in information studies, computer science and communication, receiving numerous awards for her work on science in the digital age. Her new book "Big Data, Little Data, No Data: Scholarship in the Networked World" will be published by MIT Press in early 2015.

"We are extremely delighted to have such an internationally distinguished expert as Professor Borgman talk on a subject that is of paramount importance for modern academia," says University Librarian Dr. Wolfram Horstmann. In the series entitled "Göttingen Lectures on Academic Information Futures" that kicks off with Professor Borgman's talk, renowned experts will report on a broad spectrum of topics relating to scientific information infrastructures, including current demands placed on science and academia, the organisation and further development of digital offerings, and strategic questions about the future.

Notes to editorial teams:
Journalists are cordially invited to attend the event.

Dr. Silke Glitsch
Göttingen State and University Library (SUB)
Papendiek 14, 37073 Göttingen
Phone +49 551 39-10673