Press release: Equal opportunity and protection against discrimination

Nr. 39/2017 - 01.03.2017

Göttingen University develops diversity strategy – Participates in audit by non-profit Stifterverband

(pug) Equal opportunity for all and protection against discrimination – the University of Göttingen has anchored these tenets in its diversity strategy. The aim is to support all staff, employees and associates of the university in optimising their skill sets in the best possible way and in achieving success in their studies or professional lives. The strategy was developed with the involvement of all of the university’s departments and debated in all relevant committees. It will be one of the essential foundations for the university’s further development moving forward.

“Our diversity strategy is designed to face the challenges of social change and strengthen the future viability of Göttingen University,” states Vice-President Professor Andrea D. Bührmann. “In conjunction with diversity research at the University, this strategy is a solid foundation for our application to the Excellence Strategy of the German Federal Government and States.”

“The development of the diversity strategy was the next logical step towards a diversity-oriented organisational structure and culture,” explains Dr. Doris Hayn, Head of the University's Equal Opportunities Office. “It is now important to bundle, systematise and synchronise the numerous measures and activities that have emerged in the field over the past years.”

The diversity strategy emerged from the University of Göttingen’s application to the Stifterverband’s diversity audit titled “Designing Diversity”. Around 70 representatives of faculties, administration, students, central institutions and stakeholders working on diversity projects participated in the audit’s inaugural workshop in February. As part of the workshop, they were informed about the state of the University’s diversity policy and were given the opportunity to shape further progress during various debate sessions. The diversity strategy can be found online at It will be further evolved during the auditing process over the course of 2017 and 2018.

Prof. Andrea D. Bührmann
Vice-President of Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Wilhelmsplatz 1, 37073 Göttingen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)551/39-10903