Institute of Methods and Methodological Principles in the Social Sciences

Office hours and consultation offers

The student consultation in qualitative research will take place again from now on! And also the "Rental of audio and video devices" and the "Access to literature on qualitative methods" are possible again:

Click here for more information Student consultation in qualitative research , Rental of audio and video devices or here Access to literature on qualitative methods.


New releases

Cover Biographie und Kollektivgeschichte_hp_200pixelKöttig, Michaela/Witte, Nicole (Eds..)(2021): Biographie und Kollektivgeschichte.
Der Band ehrt eine der international führenden, schulbildenden Vertreter_innen der soziologischen Biographieforschung: Gabriele Rosenthal. Angelehnt an ihr wissenschaftliches Werk beschäftigen sich die Beiträge u. a. mit kollektiven Zugehörigkeiten und (inter-)nationalen Konflikten, (kollektiven) Gewalterfahrungen und Traumatisierungen in Zusammenhang mit Krieg und Fluchtmigration sowie der Verknüpfung von Täter-Opfer-Beziehungen.
Click here for further information.

Pohn Lauggas_Bild und Medienwelten_200Breckner, Roswitha/Liebhart, Karina/Pohn-Lauggas, Maria (Eds.)(2021): Sozialwissenschaftliche Analysen von Bild- und Medienwelten. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
Click here for further information.

CEMIG_04_Bahl_Rosenthal_Cover_200jpgBahl, Eva/Rosenthal, Gabriele (Eds.)(2021): Navigating through increasing social inequalities in times of Covid-19: Research report on interviews with migrants in the Middle East and Europe and migrants and indigenous people in South America. Göttingen: Centre for Global Migration Studies. (Global Migration Studies)
The research report is available as a free download

New releases in the Göttinger Universitätsverlag

Cover Exile PersecutionPohn-Lauggas, Maria/Tonah, Steve/Worm, Arne (Hrsg.)(2023): Exile/Flight/Persecution. Sociological Perspectives on Processes of Violence. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press.
Die Publikation können Sie hier kostenlos herunterladen

Rosenthal_Cover_Transnational biographiesRosenthal, Gabriele (Ed.) (2022) Transnational Biographies: Changing We-images, Collective Belongings and Power Chances of Migrants and Refugees. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press. (Göttingen Series in Sociological Biographical Research).
The volume is also available as a free download

Becker Weidenhaus Witte_Biographie und Raum_200.pdfBecker, Johannes/Weidenhaus Gunter/Witte, Nicole (Eds.)(2022): Biographie und Raum. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press.
The volume is also available as a free download

HP_Buch Diagnose Entwicklungsverzögerung_200 Gabriele, Rosenthal/Witte, Nicole (Hrsg.)(2021): Diagnose Entwicklungsstörung. Familiengeschichte – Familiendynamik – Professionelles Hilfesystem. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press.
The volume is also available as a free download

Diss_bahl_cover_200 Bahl, Eva (2021): Verflochtene Geschichten im postkolonialen Grenzraum [Entangled Histories in a Postcolonial Border Region: Biographies, Belongings and Memory Practices in Ceuta and Melilla]. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press.
The volume is also available as a free download

Diss_Schaefer_200 Schäfer, Miriam (2021): Polizist*in werden - Polizist*in sein. Strukturen und Widersprüche polizeilicher Arbeit. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press.
The volume is also available as a free download

Dissertation_hinrichsen_200 Hinrichsen, Hendrik (2020): Die Generation Oslo im Westjordanland
Historische Generationen in prozesssoziologischer Perspektive. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press.
The volume is also available as a free download

cover globale fluchtBahl, Eva/Becker, Johannes (2020): Global processes of flight and migration. The explanatory power of case studies. / Globale Flucht- und Migrationsprozesse. Die Erklärungskraft von Fallstudien. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press.
The volume is also available as a free download

cover child soldiers Bogner, Artur/Rosenthal, Gabriele (2019): Child Soldiers in Context. Biographies, Familial and Collective Trajectories in Northern Uganda. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press.
The volume is also available as a free download

Buch_Interpretative Rosenthal, Gabriele (2018): Interpretive Social Research. An Introduction. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press.
The volume is also available as a free download

Buch_Established Rosenthal, Gabriele (Hrsg.)(2018): Established and Outsiders at the Same Time.
Self-Images and We-Images of Palestinians in the West Bank and in Israel. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press.
The volume is also available as a free download

Buch_KindersoldatInnen_klein Bogner, Artur/Rosenthal, Gabriele (2018): KindersoldatInnen im Kontext. Biographien, familien- und kollektivgeschichtliche Verläufe in Norduganda. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press. .
The volume is also available as a free download