Erfolgsfaktoren in der Bannerwerbung: Was führt zum AdClick?

von T. H. Wilhelm (1999)

1. Einleitung

2. Banner als interaktive Werbung im World Wide Web

3. Erfolgsfaktoren auf dem Weg zum AdClick
3.1 Determinanten der Wahrnehmung von Werbebannern
3.1.1 Bannergestaltung
3.1.2 Bannerplazierung
3.2 Determinanten der Dialoganbahnung durch Werbebanner
3.2.1 Merkmale der Interaktionsofferte
3.2.2 Merkmale der Nutzer

4. Empfehlungen zur Gestaltung und Plazierung von Bannerwerbung

5. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick





Regarding the opportunities of interactive advertisement and a survey of experts concerning the future of banner-advertisement on the internet, the so called "dialogue initiation performance" (Click Through-Rate) is considered the major indicator for the success of banner-advertisement.Taking into account experiences from communication psychology the decisive determining factors of recognition and dialogue initiation performance of banners are derived. It is found that a design of banners being oriented at the environment of advertising media and the interactive behaviour of the users can contribute to an increase of the Click Through-Rate. This requirement results mainly from the necessary processes of deciding and selecting when using the World Wide Web. Recommendations for placement and design of banners are provided.