Theses are awarded at the Chair of Marketing and Consumer Behavior through a standardized award procedure. Further information can be found on the following pages:

The following rules apply for the thesis (Diplom, Bachelor and Master) admission process:

  • The contents of the thesis must be applicable to the area of marketing and consumer behavior.
  • A topic can be chosen from the area of research done at the Chair of Marketing and Consumer Behavior (see research interests of the team members below) or from the industry (in this case please create an outline proposal/exercise description of ca. 1 Din A4 page).
  • Own topic suggestions are welcome. Please create a concept of ca. 1 Din A4 page (including the topic you want to work on, if there is a research gap for the chosen topic, if it’s an empirical or literature thesis and a general concept).
  • The amount of supervised theses depends on the capacities at the chair. In case of increased demand there is a possibility that not all applications might be taken into consideration.
  • In order to apply for a thesis you must hand in the appropriate form.
  • The application process with the chair does not replace the application with the examination office. Please note that it is your own responsibility to be aware of the formal procedures required by the examination office, including deadlines!

  • Research Interests/Topic Areas for Thesis with the Chair:

    Prof. Dr. Yasemin Boztuğ: Modeling of Purchase Decisions, Consumer Behavior, Pricing Strategy, Brand Choice Models, Market Basket Analysis, Food Marketing

    Stephen Youngjun Park (Ph. D): Discrete Choice Modeling, Consumer Behavior, Quantitative Marketing, Diffusion of Sustainable Energy and Transportation (thesis must be written in English)

    Ahmet Samet Ergün, M. A.: Consumer Behavior, Influence Factors on Purchase Decisions, Cross Cultural Studies, E-Commerce

    Anne-Christelle Lago, MMM: Consumer Behavior, Social Media, Nutrition and Health Claims, Advertising effectiveness

    Chiara Pfeiffer, M. Sc.: Consumer Behavior, Influence of Personality Traits on Purchasing and Consumer Decisions, Decion and Judgement Heuristics

    Jasmin Werner, M. Sc.: Consumer Behavior, Sustainable Consumption, E-commerce

    For information on entrance and application requirements please consult the information from the examination office.