Please note: The (former) double degree programme will be transformed into a joint collaborative programme in winter semester 2025/26, subject to approval by the University of Stellenbosch. The structure of the programme will remain the same with residence and study in Göttingen and Stellenbosch. However, the application procedure will not change. You can still apply for the joint collaborative programme from 1 April to 15 May using the application form for the Master in Development Economics. The Faculty of Business and Economics offers a joint collaborative programme with the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa. Within four semesters, well-qualified students can complete both a Master of Science in Development Economics at the University of Göttingen, as well as a Master of Commerce in Economics at the University of Stellenbosch. “The fact that it is development economics focused means that you have a chance to experience a developing country and you have a chance to experience a developed country which is really good for your understanding of development issues.” The joint collaborative programme is an excellent opportunity to study abroad, and offers graduates excellent career opportunities in multinational companies, national and international organizations, and last but not least, the ability of applying for international PhD programmes. A joint collaborative programme is an integrated international course of study that takes place partly at a German institute of higher education and partly at an international partner university. In a joint collaborative programme, national degrees from both partner universities are awarded. In this programme, you will study two semesters at Göttingen University and two semesters at Stellenbosch University and it is up to you to decide where to write your thesis. Because academic years at the partner universities follow different structures, your stay in Stellenbosch can last from 10 to 14 months, depending on where you write your thesis. Once you finished your coursework and thesis you will be awarded two individual degree certificates which both state that you acquired them within the framework of a joint degree. A prerequisite for participation in the joint collaborative programme is acceptance to the Master's programme in Development Economics. To apply for the joint collaborative programme with Stellenbosch University starting in the winter semester you need to follow the application procedure for the MSc in Development Economics. Same requirements apply (with undergraduate degree and undergraduate thesis being graded no lower than 2.5). During the application procedure you will be asked to submit additional documents for the joint collaborative programme: But please note: You still need to write a separate motivation letter for the development economics programme. As a student of the University of Göttingen, application for the joint collaborative programme is always possible for the winter semester. The application period is After your successful application you will then start studying in Göttingen in October (winter semester). Please fill in the according application form and hand in all necessary application documents. The documents have to be uploaded via the upload portal by May 15th. Subsequent submission of documents after the deadline is not possible: Please see also the examination and study regulations (Prüfungs- und Studienordnung) of the MSc in Development Economics for further information regarding application and admission to the joint collaborative programme. Achievements totaling at least 120 credits must be successfully completed in accordance with the examination and study regulations for the MSc in Development Economics [in German]. The programme starts every winter semester. During their first semester, students of the University of Göttingen take mandatory modules of the MSc in Development Economics and leave for Stellenbosch in January. In case there are still exams to be taken around that time a simultaneous examination session can be arranged in Stellenbosch. You remain in Stellenbosch (at least) until November, covering two semesters of studies and taking courses from the MComm in Economics curriculum. These courses get accredited towards your degree in Development Economics upon your return to Göttingen. The time between the third and fourth semester (November-March) is best used to complete your Master's thesis - it's up to you whether to stay in Stellenbosch or return to Göttingen during that time. Your last and fourth semester you spend again in Göttingen, completing the remaining specialization modules of the MSc Development Economics. Programme Structure Overview of modules (winter semester 2024/2025; PDF download): The University of Stellenbosch is a public research university with roundabout 25,000 students. It lies in the picturesque Jonkershoek Valley in the heart of the Western Cape Winelands in South Africa's oldest city. It's an institution with great tradition - the origin of the university can be traced back to 1866. Today Stellenbosch University is placed among Africa's leading universities accordingly to various rankings. The Master of Commerce in Economics offered by Stellenbosch University is a one-year-programme (minimum duration, depending on the options chosen up to 18 months) building up on the bachelor and honours degree. Students can opt for General Economics as field of study, or specialise in Economics of Education or in Development Economics. All options involve advanced study in macro- and microeconomic theory, applied economics and policy analysis. In addition, special attention is given to research methodology and research skills, including econometric analysis. Hence the MComm in Economics is an excellent addition to a budding development economist's education. Students participating in the Stellenbosch exchange or joint programme are expected to take part in the Stellenbosch University ISOS community engagement programme. ISOS is the international students organization at the Stellenbosch campus which runs an after-school project in the Kayamandi township where incoming international students volunteer their time (usually once a week) working with school-age children of the township. For those who would like to do more, there are certainly more options to get involved, such as the HOPE project with its various initiatives. Göttingen students write about their time in Stellenbosch (PDF). The reports still refer to the previous double degree programme: 2018 2017 2016 The programme is also funded by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)
Joint Collaborative Programme with Stellenbosch University
Profile of the joint collaborative programme
Information sheets for students of Göttingen University (PDF) - the information sheets still refer to the previous double degree programme
Information for students of Stellenbosch University
Julia Berginski
Programme Coordinator
Faculty of Business and Economics
Department of Economics
Heiner Keilholz
Administrative Advisor
Faculty of Business and Economics
Office of the Dean of Studies
What is a joint collaborative programme?
Application requirements for the joint collaborative programme
Application for the joint collaborative programme
Programme structure of the joint collaborative programme
University of Stellenbosch
Experience reports