Registration for the Study Buddy Program for international students

Registration form for international students - Incoming Buddies

By filling out this form, you are registering your participation in the Study Buddy Program at the University of Göttingen. After your registration, we will try to match you with a study buddy at the beginning of the new semester or during the current semester. The matching process may take a few weeks. After that, you will get more information via email on how to contact your new Buddy or Buddies.

Many thanks!

Your InDiGU-Team

1. Details about your studies

Your faculty / faculties
Your degree program
Your Major / Field of Studies
What is your study status?
Arrival date in Göttingen

2. Personal details

First name
Last name
Country of origin
Matriculation number
(Mobile) phone number
International experience
Language skills
Hobbies / interests

3. Your Study Buddy Partnership

Note: As part of the matching process, we will first try to match you within your faculty. If this is not possible, we are going to match you across faculties.

I would like to …
Do you prefer to be matched with (a) Buddy/Buddies of the same gender?
4. How did you become aware of our program?

By submitting this form, you confirm that you have read and accept our Privacy Policy.