Competence Measurement and E-Learning

IT-based competence measurement: learning and assessment modules

In education and training, a paradigm shift from knowledge to competence transfer has been observed in recent years. The ability to cope with a complex task in the real situation is preceded by a declarative transfer of knowledge as a learning goal. In competence measurement, procedural action requirements and complex problem-solving scenarios replace the measurement of factual and simple conceptual knowledge.

The aforementioned paradigm shift has an impact on the design of learning and assessment tools. Multimedia, simulative and contextual applications are gaining in importance. New learning and simulation environments have to be designed, implemented and evaluated. Special attention is devoted to systems for the adaptive simulation of complex tasks. Against the background of blended learning and eLearning scenarios, it should also be examined how learners virtually interact in the learning process.

A specific domain-specific issue is the teaching of sustainability competencies. Sustainability competencies are characterized by a juxtaposition of economic, ecological and social competences. For the impartation and measurement of sustainability competencies, there are applications that are already characterized at the level of specialist competence by a permanent multi-dimensionality. Particularly relevant here is the interface to behavior settings and changes.

The professorship is currently working on the development of integrated competence measurement tools using adaptive testing, multimedia elements and questions of automated evaluation. In three projects, training and further education tools are developed especially in the context of sustainability. A project relies on a completely mobile solution. In addition, the transfer of competence in IT-supported simulation games is analyzed.

Modern Learning and Further Training Concepts

In order to impart knowledge and promote lifelong learning, modern learning and training concepts are needed. For micro and mobile learning, there are a variety of application scenarios to e.g. link work and learning in companies. Due to the little study content (learning nuggets) and the use of mobile end devices, mobile employees can e.g. learn regardless of location or time and thus make efficient use of otherwise unused time. Furthermore, mobile micro learning makes it possible to promote work process integrated learning without interrupting the work process in the long term. In this manner, self-regulated learning can be promoted and its flexibility can be increased. Gamification provides a way to increase the motivation to use these learning opportunities by integrating game-typical elements into mobile learning applications.

In this context, the Chair deals with the question of how mobile micro learning applications must be developed and designed to support appropriate application scenarios in companies. Furthermore, the potential and challenges associated with the introduction of these learning concepts in companies are examined.

Currently Worked-On Questions

  • IT-based tools for competence measurement in education and training

  • IT-supported learning and assessment modules for sustainable business

  • Integration of micro learning and mobile learning in a company context

  • Didactic preparation of micro learning content for company training and further education

  • Use of gamification to promote intrinsic motivation



Cooperation Partners

  • ALDI Süd

  • Berufsbildenden Schulen I Göttingen Arnoldi-Schule

  • Berufsbildenden Schulen I Northeim

  • DIPF

  • Friedrich Zufall GmbH & Co. KG

  • Hellmann Worldwide Logistics GmbH & Co. KG

  • Institut für Wirtschaftspädagogik, LMU München

  • Novelis Deutschland GmbH

  • Otto Bock Healthcare GmbH

  • Chair of Finance and Controlling, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

  • Chair for Business Pedagogy and Personnel Development, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

  • Prophete

  • REWE

  • Scholz & Friends

  • THIMM Group GmbH + Co. KG

  • TopSim

  • University of Technology Braunschweig

  • University of Technology Clausthal

  • University of Technology Darmstadt

  • University of Hannover

  • University of Kassel

  • University of Oldenburg

  • University of Osnabrück

  • University of Saarbrücken

  • VerpackungsCluster Südniedersachsen e.V.



Business Information Systems

Professorship for Application Systems and E-Business

Prof. Dr. M. Schumann

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5

37073 Göttingen

Tel. +49 551 39-24442