I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e
Ethnicity, Belonging, Biography, and Ethnography.
December 7 - 9, 2007, Goettingen, Germany
Impressions I
Center of Methods in Social Sciences
In cooperation with:
TransCoop project „Biography and Ethnicity“,
Research Committee 38 „Biography and Society“ of the International Sociological Association (ISA),
Committee Biographical Research in the German Sociological Association
The conference brought together researchers and scientists from over 30 nations, participants from Asia, Africa, Australia, the US and Europe. The 70 lectures, 14 sessions and workshops covered a wide range of fields dealing with the social construction of ethnic or other collective belongings, migration, transnational biographies, networks and belonging, violent ethnic conflicts, politics of belonging, intergenerational transmission, intersectionality. In addition to discussions about theories and methodology there were alsp method workshops on biographical and ethnographical research.
Floya Anthias (Oxford Brookes University, UK): Belonging, identity, intersectionality, and translocational positionality
Ursula Apitzsch (University of Frankfurt/Main, Germany): Ethnicity as belonging & participation
Ann Phoenix (University of London, UK): Transforming transnational biographies
Dan Bar-On (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel): Redefining dialogue in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Carola Lentz (University of Mainz, Germany): Constructing ethnicity: elite biographies in Ghana
Helma Lutz (University of Frankfurt/Main, Germany):
Belonging and boundary making – dilemmas of exploring transnational biographies
Impressions II