Enrolment in the Master’s Programmes of the Faculty of Business and Economics

We are pleased that you have chosen the University of Göttingen for your master's programme. In the following you will find all important information on how to enrol in one of our master's programmes (for applicants who are not yet enrolled at the University of Göttingen) or how to re-enrol (for applicants who are already enrolled at the University of Göttingen):

  • New Enrolment at the University of Göttingen

    If you are not yet enrolled at the University of Göttingen, you can enrol in a master's programme by completing all next 3 steps until 15 July 2024:

    Step 1

    Carry out your online enrolment via the online platform. To log in, use the access data (username and password) that you received by e-mail during your application (do not register again!). If you have forgotten your password, please use this link to get a new password. You can find detailed instructions here (download pdf).

    Step 2

    Transfer the semester fee to the university. Your enrolment can only be processed after your payment has been received.

    The amount of the semester fee and the bank details (reason for transfer: matriculation number, first and last name) of the University of Göttingen can be found here.

    Step 3

    Please inform your statutory health insurance that you would like to study at the University of Göttingen. Your health insurance company will then contact the Office of Student Affairs of our University directly with the information required for enrolment.

    If you are privately insured, you must also contact a statutory health insurance company, which will inform the Office of Student Affairs of our University about your exemption from the statutory health insurance obligation.

    Step 4

    Then upload the following document to the upload portal. To register, please use the access data (username and password) that you received by e-mail when you applied for our master's programme:

    • Certificate of previous study time, i.e. proof of semesters already studied at other German universities (semesters of study, university and vacation semesters).

    Please note that in case of conditional admission you have to prove your Bachelor degree and/or your English proof by 15 November 2024. For detailed information, please note the specific deadlines in your conditional letter of admission.

  • Re-Enrolment (for Göttingen Students) in a Master’s Programme

    If you are already enrolled at the University of Göttingen, you can change your enrolment to a master's programme with the following 2 steps:

    Step 1

    Re-register as before for the following semester by either using the self-service functions (SB-Funktionen) to collect the semester fee due as a direct debit or by transferring it directly to the account of the University of Göttingen.

    The amount of the semester fee and the bank details (reason for transfer: matriculation number, first and last name) of the University of Göttingen can be found here.

    Step 2

    Subsequently, you upload the application for a change in the course of studies to the upload portal as "change of discipline" by 15 July 2024 at the latest. To register, use the log in data (username and password) that you received by e-mail when you applied for our master's programme.

    Please note that in case of conditional admission you have to prove your bachelor degree and/or your English proof by 15 November 2024. For detailed information, please note the specific deadlines in your conditional letter of admission. 

  • New Enrolment for Winter Term 2024/25 in the Master’s Programme in Development Economics for Non-EU students

    If you are not yet enrolled at the University of Göttingen, you can enrol in the Master's programme in Development Economics (for winter term 2024/ 25) by completing all next 3 steps in the time period from 1 June 2024 to 15 July 2024:

    Step 1

    Carry out your online enrolment via the online platform. To log in, use the access data (username and password) that you received by e-mail during your application (do not register again!). If you have forgotten your password, please use this link to get a new password. You can find detailed instructions here (download pdf).

    Step 2

    Transfer the semester fee to the university. Your enrolment can only be processed after your payment has been received.

    The amount of the semester fee and the bank details (reason for transfer: matriculation number, first and last name) of the University of Göttingen can be found here.

    Step 3

    Please inform your statutory health insurance that you would like to study at the University of Göttingen. Your health insurance company will then contact the Office of Student Affairs of our University directly with the information required for enrolment.

    If you are privately insured, you must also contact a statutory health insurance company, which will inform the Office of Student Affairs of our University about your exemption from the statutory health insurance obligation.

    Step 4

    Then upload the following document to the upload portal. To register, please use the access data (username and password) that you received by e-mail when you applied for our master's programme:

    • Certificate of previous study time, i.e. proof of semesters already studied at other German universities (semesters of study, university and vacation semesters).

    Please note that in case of conditional admission you have to prove your bachelor's degree and/or your English proof by 15 May 2024. For detailed information, please note the specific deadlines in your conditional letter of admission.

  • Enrolment in a Double Degree Programme (Winter Semester Only)

    If you want to enrol in one of our double degree programmes, please proceed as follows:

    Step 1

    Enrol or re-enrol in the Master's programme at the University of Göttingen until 15 July 2024 in which you wish to complete the double degree programme (procedure see above). Timely enrolment or re-enrolment in the Master's programme at the University of Göttingen is a prerequisite for your participation in the double degree programme.

    Step 2

    Follow the instructions in your letter of admission for the double degree programme. Please confirm your participation in the double degree programme to the contact person indicated by the deadline. Once you have confirmed your participation, you will be enrolled in the double degree programme.

    Step 3

    The prerequisite for your participation in the double degree programme is the timely fulfilment of the conditions and/or requirements stated in the letter of admission to the master's programme of the University of Göttingen (in case of conditional admission). 

Introductory Events for Your Master’s Programme

At the beginning of your studies, introductory events for your master's programme will take place, to which you are already cordially invited. You will find more information here shortly before the start of the semester.

Registration for Languages and Key Qualifications

Languages and key qualifications are offered by the Central Institution for Languages and Key Qualifications (ZESS) at the University of Göttingen. Please note the regulations in your study and examination regulations. Registration for courses at the ZESS must be made before the start of lectures. Further information, e. g. on course registration and deregistration, can be found on the website of the ZESS.

Foto mit drei Studierenden, die in einem Treppenhaus gemeinsam am Tisch vor einem Laptop sitzen und lernen


For questions regarding enrolment or re-enrolment

Applicants with German citizenship or German university entrance qualification

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen


Wilhelmsplatz 4

37073 Göttingen

Tel. +49 551 39-113

Applicants without German citizenship or German university entrance qualification


Abteilung Göttingen International

Von-Siebold-Straße 2

37075 Göttingen

Tel. +49 551 39-27777


Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Service Centre for Students
Student Advisory Service

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3
37073 Göttingen

Oeconomicum, 1st floor
Room 1.135

Tel. +49 551 39-28800 studienberatung@wiwi.uni-goettingen.de Office Hours