Modeling of Business Information Systems (MobIS)

- B.WIWI-WIN.0021 -

Study course for Bachelor Programs

Short Overview

What? How?
Frequency every summer semester
Type of Course Lecture
Exam Written exam
Credits 4 ECTS
Required Knowledge Orientation phase

Online course, imported from the University of Saarland, Saarbrücken


  • Model concept, information modeling

  • Information models, ARIS views

  • Data modeling

  • Process modeling

Study Goals

Students learn theoretical and practice-oriented knowledge of the most important notations and procedures for the modeling of business information systems (information modeling).

Students learn to create data-, process-, organization-, and object-oriented models (e.g., ERM, EPK, UML). They acquire the skills to analyze structural aspects of business management issues and to translate them into information models using modeling notations, as is necessary in requirements engineering for the development of new information systems or in the introduction of standard software systems.

With the help of reference frameworks for information architectures (ARIS), students learn how information models can sensibly be used in IT projects and how procedural models can be designed. The consideration of different levels of abstraction gives an insight into structures, strengths, and limits of notations and procedural models (meta-modeling).

Students are enabled to develop business management know-how and to apply it in the design of business information systems (reference modeling).


The recording of the introductory event can be found here: Video

Schedule for Summer Semester 2024

What? When and Where?
Introduction event 09.04.2024, 08:30 Uhr (Video conference with upload as MediaCast)
Link to conference
Exam 08.08.2024, 12:00 Uhr


Chair of Application Systems and E-Business

Tamino Marahrens

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5

37073 Göttingen

Tel. 0551 39-28419