Dr. Chukwuedo S. Oburota

Home University: University of Calabar, Nigeria
Academic Position at Home University: Lecturer
Duration of the Fellowship: 12 months (1 April 2021 – 31 March 2022)

Research interests
Welfare Economics, Health Economics and Microeconometrics
More information: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Chukwuedo-Oburota

Why did you apply for the fellowship?
Professor Stephan Klasen has conducted greatly to research work in the area of poverty and inequality particularly for developing countries and this was of great intrest to me. I applied for the fellowship as an opportunity to develop my existing research interest which has focused on issues of inequalities in population groups, home analytical skills, and work/ collaborate with other experienced researchers on emerging frontiers in my field of research here at the University of Göttingen.

What would you like to achieve during the course of the fellowship?
Participate in conferences, seminars, establish collaborations and network with other researchers, broaden my research experience and knoweldge during my 12 months stay

Göttingen at first (and second) sight?
Beautiful city, excellent road network

What do you do when you are not doing research?
Visiting the "Kiessee" - really peaceful