Other important places, institutions and offers

Weitere wichtige Anlaufstellen


Studentenwerk Göttingen

  • Info: responsible for student housing, food, student financing, counseling and social affairs (PSB - Psycho-Social Counselling Service)
  • Contact: via the online contact form
  • Homepage
  • Address: Platz der Göttinger Sieben 4, 37073 Göttingen (Karte)

The Faculty's Computer Pool

  • Info: offers 10 computer workstations for students of the Faculty of Arts - equipped with Win11, current Office packages, plus many other programmes; friendly and reliable advice for students with questions about the use of software, difficulties with setting up WLAN, printer setup, etc.
  • Contact: cipphil@uni-goettingen.de
  • Homepage
  • Address: Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum (KWZ), room 2.602, Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, 37073 Göttingen (Karte)

AStA: Students' Representatives

  • Info: The AStA is the political representation of the students, the highest body of student representation at the University of Göttingen. The AStA has various departments for different topics relevant to students (list).
  • Contact: über das Sekretariat
  • Homepage
  • Address: Goßlerstraße 16, 37073 Göttingen (Karte)


  • Info: offers social projects as well as internships abroad to cultivate and promote intercultural understanding; offers the opportunity to volunteer and develop personally and professionally while studying; students can gain practical experience, learn skills, and build an international network while studying.
  • Contact: Sharmini Sivanathan
  • Homepage (seems to be in German only)

Psychotherapeutic Outpatient Clinic

  • Info: Special outpatient clinic for young adults: diagnosis, counselling and treatment of students in crisis situations.
  • Contact: pas@uni-goettingen.de or by phone: 0551 39 4596
  • Homepage
  • Address: Humboldtallee 38, 37073 Göttingen (Karte)