
Winter Semester
Module responsibility

  • B.Sc. agr. basic studies - compulsory modules
    B.Agr.0004 Soil Science and Geoecology (Lecturers: Maier/Gernandt/Potthoff )(4 SWS). + Tutorial
  • B.Sc. agr. emphasis in crop science and emphasis in resource management.
    B.Agr.0347; Water and material balance of rural areas (Lecturers Gernandt/Maier)- Block module ( 4 SWS)
  • M.Agr.0178 IMSOGLO:
    Biogeochemistry of Soil in Agroecosystems (Maier) (6SWS) Biogeochemistry of Soil in Agroecosystems. (I002491)

Contributions in the following courses

  • B.Sc. agr. Elective Modules A Major "Crop Science"
  • B.Agr.0319 Scientific work and professional presentation in crop production. (Gernandt/Maier)
  • B.Agr.0323 – Sustainability of production systems (Maier)

 Summer Semester

  • B. Sc. Agr. major in crop science - elective modules.
    B.Agr.0315 Field course soil science (lecture and excursion, SoSe) - Lecturer: Gernandt, Maier (4 SWS)
  • B.Sc. Agr. emphasis in crop science and emphasis in resource management.
    B.Agr.0316 Geoecology and abiotic resource protection (lecture, excursion, SoSe) - Lecturer: Maier/Gernandt, (4 SWS) - with 5-day excursion
  • M.Agr.0115 Biogeochemistry of Agriculturally Used Soils (Maier)