
Current research at the International Writing Lab (ISL): Online Writing Consultation

An extensive corpus of data has emerged from online writing consultations conducted and recorded during the digital semesters, for which research consents have been obtained from the participants. The data have been analysed with the help of two questions so far: The first small research explored how space and spatiality are constituted in online writing consultations. The results can be found in: Brinkschulte, Melanie/Grieshammer, Ella (2022): „Ich glaub, das haben wir auch bei uns stehen“ - Eine interaktionslinguistische Studie zu Online-Schreibberatungen. In: Journal für Schreibwissenschaft (JoSch) 23 (01).

Currently, the recordings are being examined with the question of how and to what extent students’ reflections are triggered in the writing consultations. The researchers presented first results at the section meeting of the Society for Applied Linguistics (Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik) (27.-30.09.22 in Würzburg) under the title „Reflexionsanlässe in Schreibberatungen – eine gesprächsanalytische Perspektive“.