Mar Bosch Queralt


College / University

Autonomous University of Barcelona

Highest Degree

Bachelor of Science

Major Subjects

Biomedical Sciences




Lab Experience

Genetic techniques such as PCR, DNA Sequencing, gel electrophoresis and RNA analysis in human samples. Western blot, histological techniques (mainly immunohistochemistry) and use of optic, fluorescence and confocal microscopy in mice and rat brain slices. Use of mice as an animal model.

Projects / Research

  • Jan 2010 - June 2014: Internship at the BBG group (glial research team), Unit of Medical Histology, Dept. of Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology, Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • Jan - June 2014: Cancer and Inflammation: A review of how inflammation furthers tumor development. Bachelor thesis.
  • June 2009 - June 2010: Internship at the GIP group (psychiatry research team), Pere Mata Institute of Reus

Scholarships / Awards

2014 – 2015: Stipend by the International Max Planck Research School
June/July 2014: Research Collaboration at UAB
2013 – 2014 Erasmus Scholarship and AGAUR Scholarship


My specific interest is focused in understanding the role of microglia on the regulation of neuronal activity and death. This knowledge would help to have a better comprehension of microglial influence on neurodegenerative diseases. Hence, we can then learn how to modulate microglial activity in order to prevent their appearance or improve their outcome. Nevertheless, I believe the MSc in Neuroscience will raise my interest for many other topics since the brain is a never-ending source of half-unknown mechanisms that make the complexity of who we are.