DFG is going to fund CRC1502 - Division Agronomy responsible for one subproject
25.11.2021: The German Research Foundation (DFG) announced 14 new Collaborative Research Centers (CRC), including CRC1502 „Regional Climate Change: The Role of Land Use and Water Management“ (DETECT).
The researchers will analyze in this CRC how human-induced land use change and intensified water management influence regional climate - leading to unintended changes in the natural regional water and energy cycle. Speaker of the CRC is Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kusche at University of Bonn. Project partners, besides University of Göttingen, will be at the Research Center Jülich, the German Meteorological Service (DWD) and University of Cologne.
The Division Agronomy will analyze in subproject B05 the impact of irrigation on the modification of local and regional water fluxes and on regional climate. The regional focus in the first project phase will be on Europe.
Additional information:
PhD student and Postdoc positions available!!!
Subproject at University of Göttingen
Website of the Collaborative Research Center
Press release 48 of the DFG announcing the 14 new collaborative research centers
Press release of the University of Bonn announcing funding of CRC1502
Contact at the Division Agronomy:
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Siebert, Tel. 0551-39-24359, stefan.siebert@uni-goettingen.de