"TeKoP" (Technology-based competence-oriented testing) - funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Project duration: 01.05.2019 to 30.04.2022

Brief Description:

The goal of initial vocational education and training is to promote comprehensive vocational skills. This is also demonstrated in the curricula for commercial training, for example in the educational mandate of vocational schools or in the didactic principles for designing action-oriented instruction. In order to adequately prepare trainees for the requirements of the vocational job sector, teaching-learning arrangements are required which reflect the complexity of vocational activity at commercial workplaces. Furthermore, corresponding examination tasks and formats, which meet the requirements for a curricular and ecologically valid recording of vocational action competence, are necessary. The use of digital media is considered to have great potential.

In the primary ASCOT initiative, technology-based competence-based examination formats have already been developed for various occupations. Nevertheless, it has been established that corresponding tasks have not yet been sufficiently anchored in vocational examination practice. It therefore seems essential to train instructors and teachers as well as persons entrusted with the preparation and implementation of intermediate and final examinations to develop reliable and valid examination tasks and to implement them with computer support. Against this background, the TeKoP project aims to design a training program for the technol-ogy-based development and implementation of problem-based examination tasks and scenarios, to test them with multipliers from various examination institutions (e.g. companies, schools and chambers of industry and commerce) and to evaluate their effectiveness. The training also includes instruction in the application of quality criteria and in testing the diagnostic quality of the examination tasks developed. Following up the preliminary work from the first ASCOT initiative (DomPL-IK and CoBALIT project), the training will develop complex problem-based examination tasks exemplary of the occupation as an industrial clerk. Participants acquire knowledge about the characteristics of complex, problem-based tasks, and are trained in the ability to develop authentic problem-solving tasks within the outlined criteria and to evaluate them in terms of their diagnostic quality. In addition to tasks for the final examination of industrial clerks, the participants in the study also develop, test and evaluate examination tasks for the occupation of commercial clerk in office management as a broad transfer. The evaluation of the training takes place within the framework of an experimental control group design with a pre- and post- as well as a follow-up measurement. The results are reported back to the participants in a final think-tank workshop. In order to transfer the evaluated training concept into the examination practice, the participants are provided with the computer-based tool, the materials and a manual. Dissemination is stimulated by multiplication training.


  • Seeber, S., Wuttke, E., Greiwe, C. & Turhan, L. (2019). Why do we need problem based and technology based learning and testing? Results from three studies on the development of new test formats in vocational education and training. Beitrag auf der International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (iCERi) in Sevilla, Spanien vom 11. - 13. November 2019.

Project Management:

  • Prof. Dr. Susan Seeber; Chair of Business Education and Human Resource Development

Joint Project Partner at the University of Göttingen:

  • Prof. Dr. Matthias Schumann; Chair of Application Systems and E-Business

Joint Project Partner at the University of Frankfurt:

  • Prof. Dr. Eveline Wuttke; Chair of Economic and Business Education (Network Coordination)

Project Team Members at the University of Göttingen:

  • Carolin Greiwe M. Ed.; Chair of Business Education and Human Resource Development
  • Philipp Hartmann M. Sc.; Chair of Application Systems and E-Business

This project is funded as ASCOT+ project by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research under the number 21AP001B.


Professur für Wirtschaftspädagogik
und Personalentwicklung
Prof. Dr. Susan Seeber
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5
MZG (Blauer Turm), 6. Etage,
Zimmer 6.131/32
37073 Göttingen

Tel. +49 (0)551/39-244 21
